The Let's Play Archive


by PoptartsNinja

Part 410: Trial by Fire - Turn 1

Trial By Fire: Tactical Update 1

“Your mission choice has been noted. Your opponents have been informed and have deployed their forces appropriately. All are Mk. 6 or less,” Silas thought the Watcher’s inhuman voice seemed dispassionate or perhaps simply disinterested and wasn’t sure whether he preferred the first or the second possibility. “Command has determined that the target has been scouted in advance. Potential objectives are marked on your tactical maps. Several are false. Three contain valid plunder. One is too large for a medium-weight BattleMech to carry and will require a heavier unit with two hands. An additional piece of false plunder has also been deployed, but should be obvious. Points will be awarded based upon the amount of plunder you successfully return to the extraction zone. Returning the false objective to the extraction zone will score no points but will not directly penalize your score.”

“You will be penalized for every friendly unit that is damaged or disabled. You will be penalized for killing an opposing force Mechwarrior. You will be awarded bonus points for damaging or disabling enemy units to compensate. These bonus points will not be sufficient to compensate for failing your objective. They may prove some consolation when you repeat this test in six months’ time. There is no enemy command unit, so all opposing forces will fight with equal ferocity. Nothing will distract them from defending the objectives.”

Apparently freed of his or her obligation to explain the mission objectives, The Watcher spoke a final time. Silas cringed as he managed to make an emotionless, computerized voice positively drip with condescending disappointment. “It is interesting that you chose a mission that does not require you to actually fight when that is the express purpose of this trial. Is looting your only reason for becoming Mechwarriors? Did we accidentally recruit you from the Armed Forces of the Federated Suns?

Player Status:

Neutral Forces:

Opposing Force (level)
Cyclops (Mk. ?)
Woodsman Prime (Mk. 6)
Mountain Lion (Mk. 4)
Thunderbolt (Mk. ?)
Kintaro (Mk. ?)
Wolverine (Mk. ?)
Coyotl A (Mk. 6)
Commando (Mk. ?)

Mission Objective:
Plunder Recovered (0/1500 points)

Secondary Objectives:
Enemy Units Damaged (0/400 points)
Penalty Accrued (-0/-300 points)

Orders Due: Tuesday Night!

Attention, Mechwarriors! You will be receiving a PM / E-Mail soon.