The Let's Play Archive

Beyond Chaos: Final Fantasy 6 Randomizer

by liquidypoo

Part 10: Episode 21 coverage

Welcome back, last time I left off in front of Tzen.

Seeing how liquidy dealt with slow at the worst (read, "any") time, I forego the earring for perma-haste.

I also float so the kittens are as helpless as... a kitten.

Faxi's are immune to pearl and fire.

Dual wielded enhancers are enough to kill them, but they use elf fire as a death counter. Good thing I don't have earrings, otherwise the weakness may have proven fatal.

Zeppe reappear from the World of Balance Imperial Continent, they're still a pretty good source of (unwanted) exp.

Here's me thinking about avoiding some of that experience. Then I give up, but Hato manages to flee anyway after everyone dies.

Another milestone is reached. Hato with the Force Shield can take his own Crusader on the chin. Too bad pterodactyls are allergic to holy wars.

I find this guy near Mobliz (and later on the way to Nikeah) he never survived long enough to do anything of note.

Now excuse me for a second while I go back to the floating continent, the last attack before waiting for Legato is this GrandTrain.

Now, back to the present with Chichi fighting Phunbaba. I don't get a preemptive strike, but her bar was full enough to be the same. I decide that even if he has plot armor, maybe it isn't hard enough to survive an attack that ignores magic defense, so let's run a GrandTrain up his

Astronomically small MP pool. Chichi did you stay awake all year!?

Hato with the clutch Ultima. At this point I realize that while I decked him out with good magic boosting equipment, I forgot to load up the earrings.

This brachiosaur recolor isn't near as powerful, but he's fearful enough since he seems to only use fire elemental specials and spells.

This is the Magnitude8 from this formation. If I was generous I'd give it a Magnitude7, the lowest number known to video games.

They drop the punisher rod, which is equipped by Vanilla Banon, and found in the Vanilla Sunken Castle.

Since I usually use Aura Bolt and Fire Dance, and see how often liquidy whiffs it, I neglect suplex too much.

Gemin can show up with other enemies as well.

I fought the Ghan Mos in a previous fight, and noticed how they died after getting hit for less than 30HP from a Fire Dance. I was curious just what their deal was.

Answer, they don't like being seen.

Really, really don't. Between them and zombie Shanon, Hato nearly gets wiped.

Thankfully Shanon comes to her senses long enough to dance fire at them.

This is another Gemin formation.

While before I swear that Hato leveling up made Shanon devise Mantra or something, this time Shanon taught herself.

A simple input to boot.

Then to Nikeah, to see what's in the shops.

If evade wasn't bugged, you'd need to be damn sure that your preemptive strikes did the job, or else you'd be a sitting duck.

And the diamond vest looks pretty good. Maybe someday when I want Shanon to be something more sturdy than a glass cannon I'll wear it.

Onto the cave, there's this cat

He's got allergies to pain. Also absorbs fire and wind.

Redline inflicts sleep so its very good at locking the party down between nullifying most offense and ejecting anyone from battle at the drop of a cat.

Early on in the thread I was told that the upgrade feature was removed with the hack. Seems like that poster was right. Congrats on your year supply of Edgar Roni, the South Figaro treat!

Or not. Just that one chest off near the exit was static. The Cure ring was a pair of poison claws, while a Mithril Helm became a Genji Helm. The best helmet for most characters for pure numbers going bigger and good.

Just numbers... At least on the stat screen. In battle it has innate reflect. Also Shanon and Hato can't use it, so it doesn't get in my way of reckless abandon.

Its hard to see, but since I didn't feel like restarting the whole dungeon, or savestating, but I didn't want to use R-Nuke. Instead Hato just Zantetzuken'd the tentacle with the Scimitar. The other big tentacle follows later. The small ones seem to be immune.

In the final moments of the fight, Viral triggers his (Edgar's) desperation attack. It triggers the general SpearSkill counter taking Viral down with him.

Again, not interested in doing this thing again, so removing jerks from battle is the way to go.

So since I had the Striker sitting in the bottom of a bag for awhile, I wanted to see what it'd do. I forgot I haven't dragged Legato's husk from the Veldt but decide to see what else is available.

First, nothing so far has triggered Chupon. For the most part middling consumables and other low level equipment just shuffles around to other different middling consumables or equally trash equipment.

I decide to wager an elixir.

Sadly not worth it.

Not going to sacrifice a Megalixir for the best ninja dagger. At least not yet.

Nacr is back from the treasure chest in the Tzen house. I don't know why I went into the fight, since neither knife or mask are worth it.

If you've been very luck with stealing from Fadr, but not with his random loot drops, you can trade one for the other.

Probably a good trade, but I didn't run this fight, just in case I need instant death attacks that aren't Scimitar, or other instant death weapons.

Not like I'm going to use the Falchion, so let's get something else I'm not going to use.

Comparing it to the Graedus is unfair, but them's the sword breaks.

Let's grab something that Sabin ????? can use when we get him.

Eventually when the novelty of Orb runs out, I can get another ribbon.

Another Megalixir source when I need it.

The drain sword is a thing that exists. Maybe later I'll get it to see what it turns into.

Ooh, ja, the Hun Bulb is back. Titanium is the same as it always is. 1% Imp learn rate, good magic stats, crap physical unless you're Imped.

Here's one of the best gambling weapons. (I didn't know I could just buy it in Kohlingen, whoops)

I do give up my second Scimitar for the ultimate spear... trading a good weapon Zeppeli can use for Legato's ultimate weapon. No matter who wins, we lose.

Big numbers and decent stat boosts.

Another means to winning a Stunner, trading one ultimate weapon for another, rather than an ultimate healing item for the ultimate ninja knife.

I forgot that we already got a Cursed Ring from ???? so now I have a second one. Murky as an enemy plays just like your party in the Coliseum. That is he casts Life on himself while getting his face pushed in.

If I can't get a Relic Ring through normal means, I can always come back for this one. At the moment I can't deal with this jerk since I didn't feel like putting on Zombie protection.

Like the Titanium, the Imp Halberd is the same.

Gaea Lur starts the battle invisible.

Another source of reviving the power of the ORB.

Walking back to Kohlingen the Air Force shows up. Since I noticed it with Doomgaze, he too takes about twice as long to load.