The Let's Play Archive

Bravely Default

by Greyarc

Part 9: Pyromania and Social Oddballs

Entry 9: Pyromania and Social Oddballs

Not yet, Airy.

Welcome to Bravely Default: Let's Learn Jobs.

As mentioned earlier, jobs make up the bulk of the gameplay. A character's job determines their stats, their equipment proficiencies, and the abilities they can use. There are 24 jobs available in this game. When leveled with JP (job points), jobs reach their max at level 14. Because a new ability is learned every job level, this means each job has 14 abilities to learn, and there are 336 abilities total.

Abilities fall into two categories. Let's call them skill and support.

Skills are abilities usable during combat as an alternative to the Attack command. Skills are tied to their parent job -- characters must be using the job to have access to its skill abilities.

Supports are abilities which give passive effects during combat or on the field. Supports are not tied to their parent job. Instead, they must be equipped. Their limitation is in equipment cost. They can be equipped and unequipped at will from the menu, but the cost of the total amount equipped can never exceed the character's limit. This will be shown in detail later.

Let's move on to what we can mess with currently.

We can now pick between three jobs: Freelancer, Monk, and White Mage.

Tiz will stay freelancer, but Agnès will change to monk so she can protect herself against kidnappers and assassins.

After picking a job, next up to tinker with is the ability menu. There are two manipulable items here: Job Command and Support Abilities.

Job Command allows the use of a second job's skills in addition to the character's current job.

By selecting Freelancer as her Job Command...

Agnès becomes a monk who is able to use the Freelancer skill abilities Examine and Treat. Note that Job Command abilities are still limited to what you've learned while playing the job as your primary class, so no using top level white magic unless that character's leveled White Mage.

Even the few levels and jobs available so far give some versatility. Tiz the Freelancer can now use basic white magic.

And that'll do for the moment. Support Abilities deals with... support abilities, and will be explained in a few updates once there's something worthwhile to show off.

Time to head back to Caldisla and announce the good news.

One brief stop on the way to the castle to pick up all the white magic they offer. You only have to buy each spell once for it to be learned by everyone, however like other job skill abilities, it can't be used unless you're the appropriate job or have it set as Job Command, and have gained the ability to use magic of that level. White Magic Level 1 is White Mage's level 1 ability, so all three spells here are usable right away.

The king is so excitable.

Has there been any word of where the ship has gone, Your Highness?

What have you heard from your men, Owen?

Lontano Villa... Then that's where we're headed.

I'm afraid you'll not get there now. The bridge they shot out is still in ruins.

We'll mount a full-scale offensive the moment it's repaired. For now, we must be patient. Go and rest.

I'm not sure the airship disappearing is a good thing.

Their ship has left, for now. You have my thanks, Tiz. We shall do our part as well!

The kingdom is significantly cheerier now that they don't have cannons pointed at them.

As Tiz and Agnès walk away from the throne...

Hm? Oh, ah...

I've just never before walked through such a lively city as this...

Oh, really?

I don't suppose it's anything special for you... You grew up here. But to me, this is all--

Actually... Me, too.

I'm sorry?

I grew up in Norende. Norende has...sheep. And grass. Nothing like this...

It's kind of overwhelming, to be honest.

So I think I can relate pretty well, actually.

Oh... Oh, I see. Well, yes, then.

What parts jump out at you the most? What's the strangest?

Hmm, well... The number of people, and buildings. And the fact that they all seem so tranquil astounds me. The seas are rotted, the duchy has invaded, and still...

I suppose it's a testament to their faith in the king's rule.

A far cry from the kingdom I left...


Ah! I'd nearly forgotten!

Owen informed me just before we left. Apparently the innkeep is preparing a special feast for us this evening. Best we did not keep him waiting.

Ooh, right!

Taking one last look back before we exit, the throne room is emptier than before. Maybe most of the guard's out celebrating.

A shepherd and a nun had more success than trained soldiers. JRPGs.

So, next...

...we, uh...

All right, to the inn. The party settles in for a good night's sleep.

*inn music plays*

Something's wrong outside.

Wait, is that...?

And you'd best be quick... F-f-fire spreads so easily! Heh heh heh heh!

A fellow we haven't seen before.

And someone we have. The swordsman-in-training from the opening movie.

You're under my c-command now. You'll f-f-follow my orders!

But sir!

Eee hee hee heh heh! Burn, BURN! We can s-sift the vestal's ashes out from the rest!

Black pointy hat, black robe, pyromaniac... hm.

Looking for me. If I go, they'll stop this madness.

Karl is brave, considering the fire is just next door to his inn.

If the whole city's c-c-complicit, the whole city can burn. Just watch. My f-ff...FIRE will have this place charred black by morning.

Black Mage Ominas Crowe!

...What now?

We've sent these people a clear message. It's time to withdraw.

Eep! F-f-fine... Bully. Women always are.

And every night until you g-g-give up the girl!

The soldiers run off. Black Mage, huh? And we've finally seen the fourth person from the opening, though she doesn't seem too happy.

The next morning:

The spellcaster was one of their officers. He's holed up in the ruins of Centro Keep, north of the city.

The hostilities will end once I step forward.

Tiz Arrior, eternal optimist. Then again, they've taken down one group of Eternian soldiers. Why not another?

Wait, that goofy yet suave voice...

Mr. Amnesia... Is that foreign?

I mean the boy has no memories. He just turned up in town a week ago, no clue who he was.

I'm fine, though I thank you for your gracious concern. More to the point, you two are Tiz and Agnès, yes?

...!! But why...? I don't recall giving you my name, sir.

It was written in this journal. The only thing I had on me when I was found, apparently.

Full of strange things, this book. Like word of your aims to plug up that great sinkhole.


What's more--and this part is key--the journal states that you two will encounter a certain female. If my suspicions are correct, it's the girl who was accompanying that Eternian firestarter.

Pardon my asking, but how do you tie in?

It appears you make for the Centro Ruins, no? Then bring me along.

That girl tugs at my mind. Oh, we've met before.

Ahh, my heart races! I insist you let me join you. It simply must be so.

What!? Why? This is an upstanding gentleman's heartfelt plea! I'll not slow you down...

I cannot trust a man such as yourself. My answer is no, sir.

Still, in a fight, three people are better than two...

His personality leaves a bit to be desired, but I'll vouch for the man's skill. He once helped us hunt down a wild boar.

...... If you're certain he'll not pose a problem, Tiz.


Do you remember your name?

No, thank you.

Ladykiller has become party member number three. He's carrying a new weapon.

Very appropriate. Tiz and Agnès, however, are focused on other things.

Sure. What's on your mind?

That Ringabel fellow. I'm just not... Are we truly certain...?

True, he doesn't seem like the most dependable guy. Nice enough, though...

That isn't my point! He knew our names, Tiz. Before we'd ever spoken.

Right. He said they were in that book of his or somesuch.

Our names alone is troubling enough... But he knew I was the vestal as well!


Hmmm, now that you mention it, he knew we were out to seal the chasm, too.

I'd noticed him mumbling strange things in the streets ever since I arrived.


Er... Mr. Ringabel.

Please. No need for formality.

Would you tell us how you knew Agnès was the vestal of wind?

Hm? Oh, that.

All written in this journal, my good man. Simple as that.

And would you mind if I had a look at this journal?

By all means. Turn it over and shake it, if you like. See what falls out.

And what is your tie to the girl traveling with that pyromancer?

I'm to save her, apparently. Don't ask me how or why. I just know.

Save her? You realize our errand at the Centro Ruins is to put an end to the firestarter's threats, yes?

Quite. And I understand the girl may have something to say about it.

In any case, I'm confident I won't be a burden. And I certainly have no intent of stopping you, if that's a concern. Why don't you hold onto the journal for now? Investigate it to your satisfaction.

And, once satisfied, I hope you'll choose to place your trust in me.

Well, I...I suppose we'll see.


Next update, we'll all see: D's Journal.


Event Viewer
Main Scenario:
Victory Report
Put to the Flame
The Black Mage Withdraws
Mr. Amnesia

Party Chat:
Two Bumpkins
A Man of Mysteries

D's Journal: Ruins of Centro Keep posted:

These ruins located along the main road stretching north from the Caldislan castle were once considered a vital strategic point between the northern and southern regions, but they were abandoned after being rendered obsolete by the unification of the kingdom.

pg.2: Eternia's Forward Encampment: Mere months after the Knights of the Eternian Sky landed in northern Caldisla, ground forces led by the black mage Ominas Crowe occupied Centro Keep, using it as a forward encampment from which to strike the town of Caldisla. With the bridge over the Caldis River taken out in the Eternian attack, little has been done to repel the invasion.