The Let's Play Archive

Bravely Default

by Greyarc

Part 101: A Changed Man

Entry 93: A Changed Man

To the surprise of no one, the crystals are in trouble once again.

After a quick battle with demonic entity Chaugmar, Agnès starts her prayer.

Is this the right thing to do? Well, the demons are definitely bad news, and we have to protect the crystals. The crystals need to be awakened to moderate the world's environment. For the moment, that's enough reason.

Everything went well, at least. We stop when Airy tells us to, awakening fire. Three left to go!

Are you alright, Agnès? You ought to rest for now.

Y-yes... Thank you.

I wonder if it will work this time. I hate not knowing if we're even doing the right thing.




Okay, maybe everything's not going well.

I told you...this would...! Aaaaaaaaagh!

Ringabel wakes up to the sound of Edea's voice.

He stands up.


Are you alright!? You just collapsed out of nowhere.

Are you not feeling well?

I... I... I was frozen in fear.


The group tries to get more information out of Ringabel, but he goes silent. After Agnès gets changed they move on.

Something about awakening the crystal sparked Ringabel's memory. It may not have been happy for him, but it gave us some new information to work with. Unfortunately, that information involved Agnès, Tiz, and Edea being most probably dead.

While we mull that over, the party's returning to Kamiizumi. The Swordmaster's always been relatively reasonable. Is there any way, any at all, we can get him to avoid death-by-party? Let's hear him out from the beginning.

...... So the Fire Crystal has been awakened. It has all been in vain. The war we started in this realm... The deaths of both ally and foe... And the demise of the fire vestal...

Do you not think so, you who resemble a disciple I once favored?

Kamiizumi starts us off with the same speech as chapter 5 and pre-fire crystal chapter 6. But this time, Edea's ready.

I've spoken with my father of it. Any number of times. And my mother. She told me much of what happened... It gave me a new appreciation for the friendship and undying trust between you and my father. And your feelings for my mother, and your sense of purpose...

She gives Kamiizumi a formal Wa-style bow.

Thank you for bringing my mother and father together. Thank you for helping my father. Thank you for teaching me the sword. Thank you for helping me become the woman I am today.

And forgive me. Forgive me for what I've done.

...It does my heart good to hear those words.

And... Edea's done it. By learning all we could about Kamiizumi's history and relationship with Edea's family, she's gained enough insight into his thought process to change his mind.

For once, finally, we've managed to stop a pointless death by combat. This almost makes up for the trainwreck that was Heinkel.

Come at me with all your might. You and your comrades alike! I will show you the essence of mastery of the sword. Now, come!

Of course, we still get an excuse to fight. No sense wasting perfectly adequate gameplay!

After a light, refreshing battle, Kamiizumi yields.

And sheathes his blade.

...You have grown strong, Edea. I've nothing more to teach you.

Master... I'm so very grateful to you.

Farewell, child.

Kamiizumi starts walking away.

The way of the sword runs far and deep, as do the journeys on which it takes me.

With that, Kamiizumi makes his exit into the metaphorical sunset, not only not dead but no longer willing to stubbornly support the current Swordbearer/Shieldbearer war.

Kamiizumi was always one of the Eternians most likely to come around. Despite his loyalty to Edea's family, he was willing to root out internal corruption given enough leeway.

There are several variations on his journal entry depending on how you face him. Those'll be shown at the bottom of this entry.

With the war in Eisenberg essentially over, the party moves on to Florem's Water Temple.

After beating up the local demon, they prepare for the ceremony.

Wait. Can I ask you something, Airy?

You did say to ask.

But what would happen if she continued to pray to the crystal even after you told her to stop?

How many times do I have to explain it? Haven't you been listening? The crystal would be destroyed if she didn't stop.

And what happens if it's destroyed?

What!? That would be terrible! Mankind would no longer receive its blessings.

Normally anti-establishment rhetoric would be refreshing in a case like this, but the game's done an excellent job showing us just how nightmarish it is living without the crystals. Their power and importance are not in question.

It's not a matter of getting used to it! I mean, without the crystals, we couldn't rid the world of darkness.

It hasn't worked in two tries so far.

I know, but that's not the issue here! Besides, if the crystals were destroyed, ummm...


The wind! It would cease forever, and fire would rage out of control! Water would turn putrid, and the earth would dry up.

...I see. Sorry for interrupting.


But if Ringabel's intentions were simply to test Airy's reaction for odd behaviour, he succeeded.

Airy's focus has been on preventing the destruction of the world, so why was that the moment where she hesitated? She's hiding something, but what? Knowledge or a lack of knowledge?

The second crystal is awakened. Two left to go...

And right on cue, Ringabel collapses. If we get more visions of the past, it might be key to figuring out where we've failed.

That memory didn't bode well.



We may be doing something very, very wrong.

Y-yes. Sorry about that.

You sounded as though you were in terrible pain...

No need to worry about me. I'm fine.


I've been wondering about something, Ringabel.


It was every third word from my mouth before.

I... I...

After Agnès finishes changing, Airy drifts over to Ringabel.


I can't have you doing that again!

Huh? Oh, you mean asking questions before the Rite of Awakening?

That's right. I need to focus before I begin.

But how can I when you suddenly upset me like that!?

I upset you?

I was merely asking what would happen if the crystal was destroyed. Or was it when I asked why we can't do without its blessings? Or...was it when I said we had failed to rid the world of darkness two times already? Did that strike a nerve?

S-strike a nerve!?

What're you talking about!? What nerve could that have possibly struck?

Tsk! You're just plain rude! And annoying to boot!

...... Alright, alright already. You don't have to shout. I hear you loud and clear. You're not exactly helping my headache.

And truth be told, Agnès is the one who really needs to concentrate during the rite, not you, Airy.

*Ringabel leaves*

Hmph! You sure have a big mouth!

Hey, I'm not done with you yet!

You get back here, Ringabel!

*Airy chases after Ringabel*



The others have learned to tune Airy's emotional rollercoasters out, but with Ringabel's current concerns he's no longer willing to give our cryst-fairy the benefit of the doubt.

Airy, for her part, is claiming innocence, but the naive act is getting a thinner and thinner veneer.

The party heads over to Florem, which is the same as ever. Hard to believe Alternis/Probably-Ringabel grew up here.

Those monkeys are playing flower checkers!

Ah, one of those monkey shows this town is famous for.

Flower...checkers? What exactly is that?

It's a game that originated in Florem. You play it on a board using pieces representing different flowers. Along with Caldislan chess, it's one of the most challenging games there is.

But what about the monkeys? They're not really playing, are they? They're probably just moving the pieces around.

You'd think, right? Well, I actually just played that monkey over there yesterday.

Really!? How did it go?

Ha ha ha, I wiped the floor with him! I mean, they really are just randomly moving pieces around!

I thought so.

That is to be expected. It is a thinking man's game, after all.

Yep! And I won three out of five games! It's like that old saying, "Monkey see, monkey do."

Uh, Ringabel...

Ringabel has changed, and it isn't just that he's dropped the sexist jokes. He's now confronted his identity, past, and alternate self. Slowly, he's learning to have people he cares about.

We know Florem isn't as pretty under its surface, so it's not a surprise to learn an orphan like Alternis could grow up here alone and unloved. Alternis's anger and fear, stoked by his childhood in Florem, shone through even in the amnesiac Ringabel's behavior.

Ringabel's playboy thoughts on women are based on some of the residents of Florem, who were beautiful but, in his mind, ignored him when he needed help. That emotionally distant nature he was trained into comes through when he treats relationships with women like a game and assumes the worst of them (remember his winning moments hitting on Eleanor, Goodman's wife?) as a means of protecting himself from further harm.

Even now, after Edea and Agnès have proven reliable friends multiple times, Ringabel takes his concerns to Tiz, keeping the other two at a distance.

Ringabel's cavalier behavior is part genuine goofball, part based on the fear of being alone. Out of the four party members, he was the only one excited to keep journeying after the world reset, because he'd never had friends before and was afraid once the world was saved he'd go right back to being alone. His motivation to protect these friends from increasingly probable harm is also, as it happens, what's finally broken him out of the cavalier playboy facade.

Not surprisingly, the more he quits the cavalier playboy act, the better he gets along with the others. He's stopped antagonizing and demeaning Agnès and Edea, he's spared Tiz a lot of awkward caught-in-the-middle moments. He's proven himself reliable when the going gets tough and feels relaxed enough to be honest and make silly mistakes. He may still stumble up in places, but he's getting better.

But while Ringabel's changes have mostly been to his benefit, the party may soon desperately need his help. For now, he stays quiet and continues to observe...

The party visits the Matriarch while in Florem, introducing themselves and announcing the crystal's awakening as before. But afterwards, rather than explaining Olivia's death, the Matriarch asks a question:

So, where is Olivia now?

What? Oh, no... I fear we are not here together.

I see... Since she went into hiding half a year past, I've heard no more than that she is alive and well. Of late, even such meager tidings have ceased.

They have?

If you should see her again, please ask her to return to Florem.

Because Olivia is still possibly alive, there's no prospective vestaling with the Matriarch.

If we'd spoken to the Matriarch before awakening the crystal, the second half of that scene would also alter from the chapter 5 version:

Sadly, Olivia has gone into hiding.

Oh, I see. Do you know where we might find her?

I'm afraid not, but I do receive word from her on occasion.

This version is more certain about Olivia being alive. Given how hidden the Crystalists are, however, we aren't going to be able to find her without a lead.

Does he mean food, or--

Wait a sec. Isn't DeRosa's hideout nearby?

The party heads down and finds the situation the same as in past worlds. The conversation with DeRosa is a shortened version of chapter 5 sans psyching Edea out, since we've already confirmed Braev is as clueless about DeRosa's plots as everything else under his command.

After the battle, Ringabel calls Edea aside.

Just the two of us?

I've already made a reservation at the Tri-Flower, the restaurant at the very top of the Central Flor Hotel.

They serve a full-course Florem dinner! Isn't that your favorite, Edea?

We can enjoy the night view while we eat!

I think...I think I'll pass!

Listen, Edea. I want you to know something. I don't go around asking out just anyone like this anymore.

...I know, Ringabel. And I don't go around rejecting just anyone, either.

Huh? Wait...huh!? What's that supposed to--

*Tiz drifts by*

Edea delivers a bruising blow to the male ego! That one's got to hurt!

Oh, ha ha... Ha ha ha... Ha... *sigh*

Unfortunately for Ringabel, he's got a lot of past bad behavior to make up for before the others trust his intentions. Baby steps, Ringabel.

Next on the Eternia hit list are the three sisters: Einheria, Mephilia, and Artemia.

The party starts with Mephilia's usual hangout, Florem Gardens, pausing to get a blue chest on the way.

...Huh. No dead fairies, no crazy summoner.

A quick check for Artemia has her missing, too. Einheria's got to be around, though, right?

It's a pleasant day when the party goes to Witherwood in search of Einheria.

That bird! I could swear I've seen it before!

That would be a Luxen sea swallow.

Really? A Luxen sea swallow? I know I've seen one before, but where?

You must've seen one back in your homeland. Most likely in the summer.

Yes, now I remember! But how could you possibly know that?

Ha ha ha, the Luxen sea swallow is well known for its migration across Luxendarc's northern hemisphere.

They spend a short summer in Eternia, spring and fall in Caldisla, then winter in Florem, where it's warmer.

That was impressive, Tiz! You're quite an expert on the subject.

Not really. It's just Luxen sea swallows pass through Norende around planting time, and then again around the harvest. They're one of the signs of the seasons.

Not bad, Tiz, not bad. Let me see if I can give you some non-Norende pointers, though.

For instance, that black falcon on that branch over there...

That's a Flor crow. But its common name is the flower crow. It's indigenous to this land.

Ah...yes. Well done. I was testing you, you see.

What about that Flor goose in that pond over there? Did you know--

Sure, it stores the energy it needs for its migration as fat in its liver. That trait is exploited by man in the creation of foie gras.


Tiz, you are like a living encyclopedia of bird watching!

Try as he might to impress with notes scribbled on his hand, Ringabel cannot match the depth of your knowledge!

Ooh, ouch. Poor Ringabel...

Don't worry, Ringabel! I for one appreciate the effort you made!


Edea, for her part, is being surprisingly supportive of Ringabel now that he's laid off the jokes at her expense.

Witherwood's blue chest contains the spear which a Roman soldier used to poke the prophet Jesus Christ, a central figure in

*checks notes*

Christian mythology. Jesus blood is especially potent against sharks.

The group reaches Einheria's former post to find it deserted. Just where are the sisters? They have to be somewhere around.

Or not. But you know who is now available? Barbarossa.

Everything leading up to the Barbarossa fight is the same as Chapter 5.

Suleiman and Barbarossa obviously had a great friendship in life, and they can continue that in death.

I've had enough of this creepy ghost ship!

Yeah, and there aren't any women here, either.

Your womanizing is so far beyond appalling that it's almost impressive.

Agnès, you're not scared of ghosts, are you?

Not at all. Rather, I feel quite sorry for them. Life is a miraculous gift born of the harmony between the four crystals.

And once a soul's life has come to an end, it may be reborn again by returning to the crystals.

But ghosts, on the other hand, are doomed to haunt this world. Such pitiable creatures.

First of all, our teachings tell us that--

I'm not really following all this, but does it go on much longer?

Well, there are several beliefs as to where the souls of the dead go, but according to Crystalist thought--

I know this is a really important topic, but I'm sorry, I just can't take any more!

Yes, it is a really important topic! Now, as I was saying--

No... Please... For the love of the crystals, stop!

Just how much did the Crystalists know about the crystals, given that any sort of examination of them was sacrilege? How much was formed by experience and how much was made up to justify the Crystal Orthodoxy's rule?

On a different note, this conversation was likely originally set in an earlier chapter, given Ringabel's well-documented personality change.

Contrary to Edea's belief, these ghosts don't seem like they're going to harm much of anyone.

The party's more than halfway through the continents, so they head over to the seabound Grandship for a break.

Same as before, the local tavern can't match up to the Proprietr--

Wait, "top-rate"?

So the tavernkeep in this world used to be a layabout like the one in Chapter 5...

But this time, something's changed him. More to the point, something we did changed him. If we'd come to Grandship before fighting a certain someone, the tavern would've been in a state similar to Chapter 5.


The tavern is full of happy people, the place is filled with music, and there's an excited crowd gathered around the stage.

The local seamen are taken by the tavern singer's charms. She even has foreign fans coming to see her perform. Her shows are getting more popular by the day.

And the singer herself...

Is happy. In this version of the world, she and the tavernkeep have found a greater purpose.

Which brings us to our current tally.

Three of the five continents have been freed from the Duchy's tyranny, though Florem is up for debate. Til and Olivia are alive, so far as we know. Two of the four crystals have been awakened and doubt over doing so is only growing.

Ringabel's visions may be blurred, but one thing's become clear: something very important is being hidden from the party -- something that could mean the difference between life and death. But without more information, all we can do is keep watch, act normal, and find our answers before it's too late.

Next: The enemy revealed.


Event Viewer
Main Scenario:
Fragments of Memory (1)
Fragments of Memory (2)

The Quintessential Swordmaster
The Way of the Sword
Olivia Lives - B
Olivia Lives - A

Party Chat:
Airy's Temper
The Monkey Show
Ringabel's Invitation
Bird Watching
Edea and the Ghost Ship

D's Journal: Edea Lee posted:

At the Swordbearer stronghold Starkfort, Edea laid her soul bare before Swordmaster Kamiizumi. She thanked him for his unwavering friendship and support to her father, and the affection he had shown her. She also begged his forgiveness for her ignorant actions. He was pleased to hear her change of heart, and offered her a long overdue lesson.

D's Journal: Swordmaster Kamiizumi posted:

We confronted Swordmaster Kamiizumi on the top floor of Starkfort, lair of the Swordbearers. The desperate struggle between estranged master and disciple was a grim sight to behold. The master fell at the hands of his student, and she could do nothing but weep as his life slipped away.

We confronted Swordmaster Kamiizumi on the top floor of the Swordbearers' lair, Starkfort. He seemed sorrowful rather than angry that Edea did not try to understand the decisions he had made, or the ideals of her father the templar. He was slain in the battle that followed.

After hearing the full story of the swordmaster and the templar from her mother, Edea apologized to the swordmaster for not recognizing the debt her parents owed him, or the kindness he had shown her. The swordmaster was pleased to see how his disciple had matured, and offered her a bout of training. Once the battle was over, he headed off on another journey.

D's Journal: Olivia Oblige posted:

When visiting the Matriarch in the third world, we learned that the water vestal Olivia had vanished half a year earlier. Apparently she still sends letters to let everyone know she is safe, but nobody has any idea where in Florem she could be hiding.