The Let's Play Archive

Bravely Default

by Greyarc

Part 29: Let's Be More Grounded

Entry 27: Let's Be More Grounded

Khamer intends to kill Agnès, and has hired Khint to help. Silly fellows, haven't they seen the party's trail of bloodshed track record?

Khint is similar to how he was before: hard-hitting.

Time Mage Khamer has a wide range of spells, from the evasion-boosting Veilga...

and the multi-target earth attack Quara to Stop. Stop is unchanged from Final Fantasy, stopping a party member from taking action for some turns.

It can make things deadly very quickly, so Khamer goes down first.

Shrieking to the last. Time to see what he drop--

Wait. Khint's still here.

...And many's the coin I earned under the king's auspices. It's not in my nature, but I'm prepared to die for this one!

If he insists.

I came into this fight underprepared, so my damage output is not great. Here's Agnès trying out a battle item.

And here's a surprise tutorial. You can switch your main and off-hands during combat from the item menu.

It doesn't take up a turn, so you can switch things around as often as you like.

More slogging later:

Tiz has been waiting for this day.

Well, when you explicitly turn down your chance to escape...

My goal is met. I've no reason to...earn another coin. No reason...

Then he wasn't in it for limitless greed like Profiteur. Maybe someday we'll discover what he found worth dying for.

The mid-battle scene changes depending on whether Khint or Khamer is killed first. If Khint had been first down:

The King would've panicked. Guess throwing money at people and treating them with condescension doesn't win many true friends.

Moral of this chapter: If you want allies, don't be a rich jerk. Try to be an institutionalized holy figure instead.

Upside for us is finally getting our hands on Spell Fencer.

And, as a bonus, Time Mage! Time magic was the third spell type available in Ancheim's magic shop, shown back at the start of Chapter 1.

Agnès stole Khamer and Khint's spare weapons during the battle. Still in usable condition, unlike the ones wielded by the two men, which were apparently destroyed during the party's ferocious assault.

Khamer's bestiary page. If Ringabel thinks you're full of hot air, you know you're bad.

The party apparently stays in the palace for hours. The next morning, the guards and other workers file in. The party explains to the prime minister why the king and another man's corpses are lying on the carpet, thoroughly electrocuted and stabbed.

It seems the people of Ancheim are once more in your debt, Lady Vestal. On their behalf, I thank you.

I must assume the guards were tasked with taking Khint and Khamer's bodies away while custodians cleaned up the mess.

Where will the kingdom go from here? How will it function in the absence of its king?

I will take up the mantle of governance for the time being, though that is no lasting solution. Ancheim will have to change. With luck, it will become a land led by its people, for the benefit of all.

Changing a country's system of government is quite a complex undertaking. Normally there would be powerful people opposing such an abrupt change, but I guess the party killed all of them.

What is certain is that it will ever be a welcome home to you and your companions, Lady Vestal. We will pray for your safe journey. Go, and bring your light to all the world.

Overthrowing a monarchy is tiring work.

This guy just cares about being the Best Guard, no matter who's in charge.

Well, that was a smooth and easy transition of power with no scrutiny on the secret midnight battle to the death. Guess we're done here.

After leaving Ancheim, Tiz and Edea switch over to the new jobs. I don't want to be imbalanced with the women being only fighters and the men magicians, so this round, Edea's going to take a turn with magic while Tiz switches to physical damage.

All's well that ends well. Agnès may not have become Queen of Thieves, but she did become queen of Anchiem's hearts and political authority. Let's go eat sweets, then it'll be on to Yulyana's to find out how to reach Florem.

We all need rest, my dear. Whatever we're to face next, let us do it with a full store of energy.

Besides, I'm told exhaustion is murder on the skin. Think of your complexion!

I... My what?

Try to behave, Ringabel. You're upsetting the poor girl.

Hmm, is that a hint of jealousy I detect? Perhaps it's you who's upset by--

I can think of no sadder creature in this world than a man unable to inspire a little jealousy. Eh, Tiz?

Before Tiz can answer, Ringabel gets distracted.

He goes into the ship, shutting the door behind him.

Do you suppose he's alright?

Oh, leave him. A little seasickness will keep him quiet.

Agnès, do you know the other vestals? In your speech, you mentioned working with them.


It is my hope that such a collaboration can be achieved, but I have yet to meet the vestals of earth or fire. I know only the water vestal, Olivia. I have since we were children, as our temples stand in neighboring kingdoms.

Since we became vestals in full, we've exchanged no correspondence, but... I fear the rotting of the seas is proof enough that some ill has befallen the Water Crystal.

The door to the ship reopens.




Healer's gone, another man's down, this isn't off to a good start.

Vestal of the Wind Crystal, Agnès Oblige. Surrender at once, or see your companions slain.

You... Dark Knight Alternis Dim!


Can't blame him for taking a second to notice. That clock headgear would throw off anyone.

Come, I will see she makes no move. Quickly, to my side! Come away from the vestal!

No, you keep away from him!

What! What madness is this? You speak nonsense!

I'm not her captive, and she poses no threat. I'm here of my own free will!

What then? You've betrayed the duchy? Betrayed your father? Have you lost your mind, girl!

I'm entirely sane. In fact, there's much I've only begun to see clearly now that I've gone traitor.

No more of this! Edea, bind the vestal's hands. Do this now, and I'll forget all you've said here. Please...

What new form of torment is this!? I cannot bear these games, Edea! Do not do this to me.

Take one step closer to Agnès and I'll do a lot worse. This is my decision. I'll hold nothing back!

...You're certain, then?

I'm certain.

Silencing you would be a simple task, but one slip of my hand and even the flat of my blade would mean your end. I'm a poor hand at holding back.

Then don't bother. I'm not the sort to be cowed by threats, Dim. Perhaps I get that from my father.

My mind is set.

Stubborn girl! You're...

Very well. I shall withdraw for now. But know this, vestal. You and your abettors are ever under our watch. What you aim to do runs counter to the flow of progress. You place mankind on the road to annihilation!

He's using the same terms as Khamer, obviously from Eternian propoganda. And considering he used the word "torment" in a serious conversation about his feelings, I'm inclined to think "annihilation" is a tad melodramatic.

What did he just destroy?

Ahh! The skystone!

Wait, the ultra-rare source of flight for the airship was kept on deck? Without protection? Who designed these things?

Cool your head before we next meet, Edea.

He's likely leaping onto the pier the boat is docked next to, but it's funnier to imagine him being so distracted by being dramatic and cool he leaps into the water in full body armor.


You're safe. That is all I ask.

Luckily one of Tiz's traits is being inhumanly sturdy.

He's a member of the Council of Six. The Duchy of Eternia's highest governing body.

And the six people sending an army after Agnès...

Your tone was familiar. You were close?

...We grew up together.

Just in the nick of time. Not to help stop the villain from destroying the transport, but to cut off the awkward conversation.

Hm? Did I miss something?

You really are hopeless, Ringabel.


After an explanation, Ringabel looks over the ship.

No good, I'm afraid. She won't budge an inch off the ground. Seems we're earthbound until we've another one of these skystone things.

Mrgrgr... Blast that Alternis! And me for not seeing this coming!

Still, without Edea there to protect Agnès and Tiz, the encounter would have ended much worse.

Well we can't sit and stew here. Hurry up and do something!

If the ship's grounded, that leaves travel by foot. I suppose we'll have to try our luck with this forest and its miasma.

Surely there's another route between the two continents.

Okay, then. Pretty jarring to have a plot where the events are:
  1. this isn't possible, let's find another way
  2. route to planned other way disappears
  3. nevermind, original route is possible after all
Rather than looking for and finding, say, a third route. As it is, all that buildup from step 1 gives no payoff.

Desperate times...

But it's not...not so dire that we can't manage another step.

It may be perhaps that the return of the winds has thinned out the miasma for us.

Whatever the cause, we'd best take advantage of it. If we can pass, let us do so now.

Chapter 1 Fin.

Next time: a chapter full of terrible things and a deadly nature excursion.


Event Viewer
Main Scenario:
A Respite on the Airship
The Dark Knight Strikes
Ties to the Dark Knight
A Splintered Skystone
The Miasma Woods

The Prime Minister's Vision

D's Journal: Ringabel posted:

pg.7: To relieve my churning stomach, I looked out across the Flor-Cheim Inner Sea from the pier. After retrieving a pretty shell I had spotted, I returned to find Agnès nursing Tiz on the bridge. The skystone was lying in pieces nearby. They said that moments after I left, a man in dark armor had burst in...

D's Journal: Edea Lee posted:

pg.4: While I got some air, we were boarded by the dark knight, a leader of the Eternian forces, who proceeded to smash the skystone. Tiz was knocked unconscious, and Agnès came close to capture until Edea intervened. It seems the dark knight is a member of the Council of Six that rules over the duchy, and a childhood friend of Edea...

D's Journal: Khamer VIII posted:

pg.5: Prime Minister Harena announced that King Eloch Quentis Khamer VIII of Ancheim had died after a sudden bout of illness. It seems the prime minister will oversee the government for the time being. Unfortunately for the late king, Ancheim now seemed more peaceful than ever...

D's Journal: Prime Minister Harena posted:

pg.3: We told Prime Minister Harena that the king of Ancheim, who plotted to expel the vestal, was actually slain time mage Khamer of the duchy. We asked what would become of Ancheim, and he told us he would take the helm, but eventually the power would shift to the people. He wished us luck on our travels, and told the vestal he eagerly awaited her return.

D's Journal: Alternis the Dark Knight posted:

pg.2: A twenty-three-year-old man of unknown origin. His name is Alternis Dim, bearer of the dark knight asterisk. Wearing jet black armor and wielding a dark blade, he is a solemn warrior who takes his duties very seriously.
Likes: Edea, coffee
Dislikes: Desserts, little girls, intellectuals

pg.3: After sneaking on board the Eschalot, he knocked Tiz unconscious, and tried to take Agnès captive. Edea intervened just in time, and as he was unwilling to fight her, he withdrew. He smashed the skystone before he left, hoping to hinder the vestal. I am curious about his history with Edea.

D's Journal: Spell Fencer Khint posted:

pg.2: A 37-year-old man from Eternia. Ciggma Khint is holder of the spell fencer asterisk. He turned his back on his old life to learn sword magic years ago. Since then, none have seen him smile.
Likes: Money
Dislikes: Talkative types, memories of his family

pg.3: Having lost his standing due to the vestal's popularity with the people, the king of Ancheim desired to kill her and steal the crystal. Upon seeing Agnès, he revealed himself as Time Mage Khamer, he attacked us together with the spell fencer Ciggma Khint. After an arduous fight, we prevailed. Before his demise, Ciggma said something about having achieved his objective.

D's Journal: Time Mage Khamer posted:

pg.2: A 57-year-old man who was born in Ancheim. He is keeper of the time mage asterisk. He was made an honorary partner in the Merchantry due to his royal position and cooperation with the duchy. However, he has no actual say in the business.
Likes: Automation, heavy industry
Dislikes: Politics, critics, vestals, the unwashed masses

pg.3: Sneaking into the palace in the dead of night, we found the king of Ancheim talking to spell fencer Ciggma Khint. It seems he gave the water rights to the Merchantry to impoverish the people and turn them against the vestal. Though his aim was to spread the Anticrystalism supported by the duchy, the appearance of the wind vestal foiled all his plans.

pg.4: People's faith in the vestal continued to rise, and having lost all standing, the king began to fantasize about killing the vestal and stealing the crystal. Revealing himself to be Time Mage Khamer after Agnès appeared, he attacked us together with the spell fencer Ciggma Khint. Upon their defeat, the king continued to spout selfish drivel until he expired.

D's Journal: Duchy of Eternia posted:

Duchy Government: A kinsman of the kings who once ruled Eternia 2,000 years ago was chosen to rule the duchy as its archduke, but all administrative, judicial, scientific, and medical functions as well as the four divisions of Eternian forces are under the control of the Council of Six, the duchy's highest governing body.