The Let's Play Archive

Bravely Default

by Greyarc

Part 66: The Adventure of the Dead Man's Banquet, Part 1

Entry 63: The Adventure of the Dead Man's Banquet, Part 1

With Egil and Karl settled in, the party heads off for the next adventure.

They resolve to return to Hartschild before Grandship. Eleanor Goodman might enjoy the visit, having just been separated her foster child.

It will be nice and cheery and definitely nothing bad will happen.

To the party's surprise, they are greeted at the door of the Goodman estate by Commander Goodman.

Oh, Commander Goodman. It's good to see you at home for a change.

I came as soon as I could when I heard the wind vestal was holding a banquet in my honor.

A banquet...?

My wife is also most pleased. You can see she's all in a bustle getting things ready. I did wonder at seeing the names of Officers Steiner and Neuer on the invitation...

How did you know the names of our Shieldbearer officers, vestal? I don't remember introducing you.

Hold on. You've lost me, I'm afraid...

I have no recollection of sending such a letter.

Is that so? Strange... I'm quite certain it was signed in your name.

As Agnès is about to respond, Eleanor enters the room.

Well, I'd hate to put this food to waste, and Eleanor seems so happy...

Excellent. Please, this way.

Led by Goodman, the party makes their way to the parlor, where two other decorated Shieldbearers are already waiting.

says the unfamiliar woman. (also, Edea switched back to Valkyrie temporarily on the way to Hartschild)

She may be young, but I hear she's quite capable. They say she's already saved our hides several times.

Allow me to introduce everyone. These are my chiefs of operations. My closest advisors, you might say.

My name is Saranish Steiner. It is a great honor to walk in the light of your countenance, Lady Vestal.

Steiner and Neuer were mentioned some time ago as close friends of Datz and Zatz. We've finally gotten an opportunity to say hello!

Pleased to meet you both.

Well, now that formalities are out of the way, let's head to the table.


Eleanor rushes into the room, visibly unnerved.

I just opened a letter that arrived this morning...

A letter? There's no sender on the back. Let me see... "Daniel Goodman, Shieldbearer Commander, shall die this night."


It came this morning. I think Nastassja, our servant, collected it...

I don't like this one bit.

Well, we veterans should be able to look after ourselves. We should enjoy the feast, Commander Goodman.

You are right. Are you okay, Eleanor?

Yes... I-I'll bring the food now.

Eleanor leaves.

Please accept my apologies for this disruption, everyone.

Not at all... That letter chilled my blood.

A death threat, it seems.

Ringabel! Don't say such things!


Goodman dashes out to the hall towards the voice, the party and two officers close behind.

What is wrong!?

She's dead!

Tiz shoves past the Goodmans, readying his salve-maker healing vials...

But it's too late.

D's Journal: Nastassja the Servant posted:

(Goodman Residence Servant) A servant at the Goodman Residence. She was hired after Egil left for Caldisla, as Eleanor enjoyed having someone to talk to. She was killed at a banquet attended by high-ranking Shieldbearers, which was held at the Goodman residence in the wind vestal's name.

With the party's help, the area is investigated and the body moved to the guest bedroom. Afterwards, they join the others, who have gathered in the great hall.

We believe a blow to the back of her head with a blunt object is what killed her, but we haven't found a weapon.

We've placed her body in bed for now.

I'm more concerned at the fact that the front door will not open! It seems to be sealed shut from the outside... We cannot get out!

Can't we just break a window?

I'm afraid not. This residence was formerly a stronghold. There aren't any windows on the first floor.

So that means...we're trapped?

What on earth is going on!? Who killed that servant!?

I was preparing the food with Nastassja just before... Right up until I opened that threatening letter. I noticed nothing amiss at that point...

Then it must have been you who killed her! Who else here would have had the chance!?

Nonsense! Why would my wife ever do such a thing!?

I have no idea. Perhaps she was the one who wrote that letter as well.

N-no...! I-I would never harm a fly!

Text error: would -> who.

Wait! The culprit will not be found through conjecture.

That said, the murderer must be among us.

The front door has not been opened since we arrived, no? None have entered, and none have left. That leaves only us.

I would never accuse the vestal, but how can we trust you other three? We know nothing about you!

That's just...

I'm sure I appear suspicious. After all, I have no memory, and know not my own past.

There's no one who can attest to my background, either...

Better to remain dubious than reveal the Eternian in the room. "But she's friendly and only kills for justice!" wouldn't go over well.

They show up, and all of a sudden the servant dies... Isn't the timing a little convenient?

Enough! The vestal and her companions have hardly had time to do such a thing since they arrived.

And you well know how much they have aided the Shieldbearers already! I won't stand to hear the vestal and her allies insulted!

However, in that case, the finger of blame can point only to your good wife...

Wait! Allow me to take charge of this matter for now. I would ask that you all remain calm.

After Goodman and Agnès's remarks, Steiner and Neuer quiet down.

As trusted vestal, it's up to Agnès to dig up the real killer and get to the bottom of this mystery!

D's Journal: Shieldbearer Cdr Daniel Goodman posted:

When visiting Commander Goodman's residence in Hartschild one day, we found the commander at home for once. Apparently he had received an invitation to a banquet from the wind vestal, and had brought two of his officers with him. However, Agnès had sent no such invitation... Before we could act, a servant was murdered, and the front entrance blocked off!

D's Journal: Eleanor Goodman posted:

One day we found Commander Goodman in his residence for a change. He said the wind vestal had invited him to a banquet, and he had brought two of his officers with him. Eleanor was elated to have him home. However, Agnès had sent no such invitation. Their servant was murdered, and then the front door was sealed shut! Very mysterious...

The house is closed. The Adventurer wasn't invited to the banquet, either, so no saving the game until we get out of here. We've gotten all the clues we can from the crime scene, so the only option now is to speak with the others and try to piece together the truth.

To start off, the party heads upstairs, where Eleanor is sitting alone.

How are you holding up, Eleanor?

Please believe me. I have not killed a soul!

How long had the servant girl been working at your residence?

Not long, in truth. I employed her when we took Egil in. But it has been a blessing having her around. It was good to have someone to talk to after Egil left the house...

Did she mention anyone that may wish to cause her harm?

No, she was a good girl. I cannot fathom why she was killed...

I'll try not to... Oh, let me pour some tea.

While the party waits for Eleanor to return from the kitchen, Ringabel wanders over to the servant's corpse.

Yes, I know. I'm well aware, but...

Show some respect for the dead, Ringabel.


After talking with a suspect, they'll give one extra line of dialogue if you speak to them again.

The body can be inspected as well. The first time, it will trigger the scene with Ringabel poking it.

A second inspection reveals... nothing, unsurprisingly.

The party heads back downstairs to the Shieldbearers.

All three are some distance from one another, on high alert.

D's Journal: Shieldbearer Ofc Saranish Steiner posted:

(Shieldbearer Officer) A high-ranking member of the Shieldbearers serving under Commander Daniel Goodman. He was caught up in an incident after receiving an invitation to a banquet from the wind vestal. He is rumored to have high career aspirations, and does not get on well with Officer Neuer.

D's Journal: Shieldbearer Officer Savish Neuer posted:

(Shieldbearer Officer) A high-ranking member of the Shieldbearers serving under Commander Daniel Goodman. She was caught up in an incident after receiving an invitation to a banquet from the wind vestal. She has yet to deny rumors that she and the commander are more than just colleagues.

Steiner first.

No, not yet... What are your thoughts?

Hmm... the wife does appear to be the most likely suspect. However, I believe she has been framed.

Framed? What do you mean?

I'd have my eye on Officer Neuer if I were you. Something strikes me as odd about her behavior.

She is obsessed with furthering her career. I doubt she'd hesitate to knock down anyone she saw as competition. Forgive me for saying this, but she'll stop at nothing to get her way!

You should see the way she looks at Commander Goodman, batting those eyelashes at him. And she blatantly acts as though she's his wife in front of others!

Even though he has a splendid wife back at home, she uses any excuse she can find to keep him away from her... She's always holding strategy meetings, and wanting to discuss enemy raids...

As you can see, Commander Goodman is a sincere, earnest fellow. And the civil war is drawing to a close. At this rate, she'll end up a mere officer, and Commander Goodman will go back to spending time with his wife. Perhaps she saw this banquet as her chance to make a move... That is what I think, anyway.

Oh, and not a word to anyone about this. If she knew I had said these things, my life would be in danger. In any case, you should consider this, Lady Vestal.

Calling strategy meetings hardly seems suspicious for an officer, especially one who seems as proactive as Neuer. On the other hand, jealousy might drive such a proactive person to extreme means...

Either way, Steiner seems to detest, even fear, his former close friend. What's happened since Datz and Zatz last saw these two?

D's Journal: Shieldbearer Officer Savish Neuer, Shieldbearer Ofc Saranish Steiner posted:

Agnès spoke with Officer Steiner, who suspects that fellow Shieldbearer Officer Neuer is the culprit. He thinks Officer Neuer has feelings for Commander Goodman and is plotting to kill his wife...

Let's hear what Neuer herself has to say.

I'll do my best. Who do you think the culprit is, Officer Neuer?

The evidence all points to the wife, no? She presents herself well, and then goes and does these terrible things...

Perhaps she resents Commander Goodman for not returning to his residence more often? Sending death threats before following through takes a cold, calculated criminal. The thought makes my blood curdle...

If this is true, I feel so sorry for poor Danie-- ...For the commander. He has worked hard for his country.


But if you want my honest opinion, I think another may be responsible.

Another person? Who?

This is for your ears only. I have heard disturbing rumors about Officer Steiner...!

Disturbing rumors?

He has worked his way up the ranks, serving with merit in many battles since the war began. Promotion after promotion, and now he is joint chief of operations. I believe he wants to take command of the Shieldbearers.

If the war continues, Commander Goodman may very well die in battle, and Steiner may be next in line...

However, then you came along, and put his achievements to shame. The war seems nearly at an end! He must have panicked! His mind is always plotting strategy, both on and off the battlefield. He must have used your name to set up this banquet...

Then why did he kill the servant first?

That is what makes him so shrewd. He is ensuring no suspicion falls upon him. First the servant, then he picks us off one by one, as we turn on one another... Horrifying!

Though Steiner was on the mark about Neuer's interest in Commander Goodman, Neuer's concentration on Steiner rather than the Goodmans is a twist. Could Steiner have been trying to distract us from the true murderer...?

Can we trust either of the officers?

D's Journal: Shieldbearer Officer Savish Neuer, Shieldbearer Ofc Saranish Steiner posted:

Agnès spoke with Officer Neuer, who seems to think that Officer Steiner is plotting to kill Commander Goodman to take over command of the Shieldbearers.

Perhaps Commander Goodman can offer some insight.

No need to apologize. I think it is your wife who needs your support right now. Perhaps you could speak with her later?

Yes, you are right. Do you have any idea as to who the murderer might be?

Not so far.

Do you have any enemies, Commander Goodman?

Well, there are plenty of Swordbearers out for my blood... But I'd like to think no ally holds a grudge against me.

Officers Steiner and Neuer have been steadfast in their support throughout the war.

What do you know of Nastassja, the murdered servant?

I see. Thank you for answering my questions.

Agnès excuses herself from the Commander and leads the party to a quiet corner for discussion.

I feel it is best that I speak with everyone, just in case.

Often the least likely suspect turns out to be the culprit...

Even when death threats are made?

Especially when there are death threats. This whole affair has made no sense from the start.

Of course, whoever is behind this invited their intended victims under the pretense of a banquet.

If it was Commander Goodman, he could have conspired with his wife beforehand. They could have concocted these mysterious invitations and the death threat themselves...

If that's the case, then why kill the servant?

Killing the servant may have been a diversion before they kill their true target. Either Officer Steiner or Officer Neuer... the two who received invitations.

Or both of them...

Then maybe...

Once all suspects are spoken with...

Goodman calls everyone to attention.

Eventually the others will realize something is amiss. Once they do, they'll break us out of here. We just have to wait.

In the same room as a murderer!? That simply will not do!

I agree! Officer Neuer and I were not mentioned in the death threat, but we certainly do not feel safe!

As long as we all stay in one place, the offender will not be able to take action. We all agree with the commander. Right, Agnès?


I must ask you to be patient, Officers Steiner and Neuer.

Yes, of course.

It seems we have no...choice...

Are you alright, Officer Steiner?

....Argh! Urgh....! Arrrgh...

Ringabel crouches down, checking Steiner's pulse.

He's dead....


He was in agony... It must have been poison. He had just drank some tea, correct?

Poisoned...? When?


The commander's wife poured tea for us all just now! The poison must have been in that!

Officer Steiner was the only one to drink it. The rest of us had yet to take even a sip!

That is all the evidence we need! It was you, you she-devil! You've shown your true colors!

Calm down, Officer Neuer!

Calm down!? Commander, this woman just tried to kill you!

Officer Steiner is dead, but it could just as easily have been you, the wind vestal, her companions, or me! Ah, perish the thought!

Don't try and tell us it wasn't you! Tie this woman up immediately!

Unfortunately, under these circumstances I cannot see how anyone else could be responsible.

I am sorry, Eleanor. I shall have to confine you in the cellar until you can be cleared of any wrongdoing. Is this acceptable, vestal?


Goodman takes the clearly distressed Eleanor away.

D's Journal: Shieldbearer Ofc Saranish Steiner posted:

Commander Goodman suggested that we all stay together until the culprit was identified. Moments later, Officer Steiner dropped dead after drinking poisoned tea.

A few moments later, Goodman reappears, now alone.

There must be some kind of mistake...

Mistake? Are you still on that woman's side!? She has killed twice already!

But what was her motive? Why would she kill the servant and Officer Steiner? And by means that could only point the finger at her...

We can find out what her reasons were later! At least she is now under lock and key! Now we just need to find a way out of here, and all shall be resolved.

She must have been the one who jammed the front door as well. We should have questioned her.


I'm not going anywhere! No way. I'm staying put until help comes.

Very well. I'll stay here with her.

D's Journal: Shieldbearer Cdr Daniel Goodman posted:

We questioned everyone who remained in the commander's residence. Nobody was free from suspicion, so the commander calmly suggested we stay together until help arrived. Just then, the Shieldbearer officer Saranish Steiner died... It seemed he had been poisoned by the tea the commander's wife had just poured for him.

D's Journal: Eleanor Goodman posted:

We questioned everyone who remained in the commander's residence. Nobody was free from suspicion. Eleanor decided to pour everyone tea, but soon after, the Shieldbearer' Officer Saranish Steiner dropped dead from poison. Eleanor could not escape falling under suspicion, and she was locked up in the dungeon below.

The events have started wearing on even the eternally calm Goodman's nerves.

At last, we can breathe a sigh of relief. Now we need only beat the trick to opening the door out of here.

There's no one to talk to besides Goodman and Neuer. The cellar's inaccessible, and the servant and Steiner are busy being dead.

Let's check the front door and see if we can't bust our way out. The moment the party approaches:

Who extinguished the lights!?

Watch out! I have a bad feeling about this...!

Commander Goodman! Get the lights on, now!

I will! Just a moment!




Look! Officer Neuer...

No way...

Goodman runs over.

He looks down and notices Officer Neuer bleeding on the floor.

Ahh! Officer Neuer! Stay with me!

Unhhh.... That...woman...did...


Is she...dead?


So she was attacked in the brief time that the lights were out!?

Could the woman Officer Neuer mentioned be your wife?

Impossible. She's confined to the cellar. She had no way of killing Officer Neuer.

Could there be a secret exit out of the cellar? You've not spent much time at home, Commander Goodman, so perhaps you were simply not aware of it.

Your wife Eleanor could have constructed a hidden passage.


She may have started a murder spree now she's been found out as the killer...

There's no proof yet that Eleanor had anything to do with this!

Let's go and talk with her. That is our only path of action right now...

Here is the key.

Next: The exciting conclusion! Also: Could things have ended differently?


Event Viewer
Tragedy at the Banquet
A Murderer Among Us
Just a Corpse
Steiner's Thoughts
Neuer's Thoughts
Eleanor's Thoughts
Commander Goodman's Thoughts
Steiner's Death
Eleanor's Confinement
Neuer's Death