The Let's Play Archive

Castlevania II: Belmont's Revenge

by Simply Simon

Part 3: Stage Thoughts III

Stage Thoughts
I think I said most things in the video, actually. So I'm only emphasizing some points more above. It's a fun level mostly owing to rope stuff again, doesn't have too many enemies but that is just fine. Combat is not this engine's forte and I think they have realized that by now.


Praying Hands [Cloud Castle]

After two songs I wasn't super hot about, this one blew me away, it's really good. Just fits my taste for melody, energy and "things happening" perfectly. Maybe not the best fit for a level that can be a little slow due to the moving parts you sometimes have to wait for, but that doesn't matter too much I think.

Castle [Password]

Just a general trend, though - one thing that's keeping this from being a very enjoyable complete package is the mismatch between stage names, actual obstacles, gimmicks IN the stages, bosses and yes, also music. While very fun to play on a room by room basis, the lack of focus hurts it a little especially in the memorability department (as does the lack of difficulty so far, tbh). Say what you will about the first game, but that was one cavey cave, one castley castle and one Ihateyoufuckoffanddie-y monstrosity.