Part 16: Demise, Wrong Endings, Part 1
Chapter 2 has six Wrong Endings. Endings 5 and 6 are fairly involved though, so we'll only be looking at the first four today.Demise - Wrong End 1
Music: Oddity

After Ryou appears in the entranceway near the beginning of the chapter, investigating him triggers our first Wrong End. If you're holding the paper charm, you'll be protected, but you can simply investigate him again afterwards. Encountering him in the hallway without the charm will also trigger this Wrong End.
Video: Demise - Wrong End 1

I was caught in his cold, dead hands. He had me by the wrist and absolutely was not letting go.

With one sudden, inelegant movement, he grabbed my hair in his other hand and began violently pulling on it with all his might.

In that instant, I found myself unable to breathe and unable to speak. The hand that was previously on my wrist was now strangling the life out of me, gripping my neck with an almost inhuman amount of strength.

For a brief moment, I could feel a cold sensation on my arm.

And then just like that, my entire torso was forced backwards into a decidedly unnatural bend. I heard a sound like the cracking of a huge lobster tail. Sudden jolts of intense pain shot through every last inch of my body like electricity, and sweat began overflowing from every pore.

My body, equally uncertain on how to react to levels of pain this severe, responded with intense nausea. Somebody...please...
Music: Torture

How many people were in the room with me? I was feeling the touch of countless hands, and some clearly did not belong to children. Who were these people? And how many of them were holding me down?
Sound Effect: Laughter

With an even greater force than before, my legs were pulled in opposite directions. Then, with a startlingly loud crunch, they snapped right off my hips.
Sound Effect: Crack, Crunch

Music: None
My limbs were either gone now, or barely still attached. I was like a discarded wishbone...or a toy they had no qualms about breaking.

Music: Wrong End

Video: Demise - Wrong End 1 ends here.
Demise - Wrong End 2
Video: Demise - Wrong End 2

While in control of Yoshiki and Ayumi, we open the secret entrance to the custodian's closet, but choose not to go inside.

Music: Oddity

Stand your ground

His icy child-sized hands caught hold of my wrists and wouldn't let go. Try as I might, I couldn't shake him.

The screen fades out, and...
Music: None

When I came to, I found myself restrained. I couldn't move a muscle. I was lying face-up on some kind of table with both my arms and both my legs firmly bound by...rope? I guess. It was digging into my skin, whatever it was.

My head was the only part of my body that didn't have its movements prohibitively restricted, so I was able to look around the room to some extent. The walls and ceiling seemed to be made of dirt or mud. I didn't get the impression that I was in the school anymore. It looked and felt like I was in some basement room -- or more specifically, a mine or a bomb shelter or...something. Thick, sloppy blood stains saturated every corner of the room, and the stench in the air was enough to send a shiver down even the most hardened spine. It seemed fairly apparent what this room was used for. At least, it was apparent as it needed to be. But the scariest part was...

Or I had a nagging sense that I'd been here before, anyway, much like Shinozaki had said about that weird classroom just moments before.

The voice belonged to a little girl who looked like she was right around ten years old at most. She was wearing a red dress and staring at me through a mop of messy black hair with a smirk on her face and a condescending glint in her eyes.

I muttered a name without thinking, surprising myself. How did I know who this was? Or more to the point...who was Sachiko?

Sound Effect: Smash

In the very next moment, everything around me seemed to go white.
Sound Effect: Smash

Sachiko was now staring at me with a cold, unmoved and unwavering expression. I was in more pain than I'd ever felt in my entire life. I focused on the gaze of the filthy giant at her side, who seemed to be doing her bidding.

His enormous hammer was still resting on the mess that was previously my right ankle up until about a few seconds ago. I was all too aware that the extreme impact pierced my flesh, shattered my bones and even sprayed the room with shards of marrow.

This was beyond pain. Every last nerve ending in my body was on alert. I could feel the underside of my skin. I wanted to puke, but knew it would do no good.

Sound Effect: Smash

Sound Effect: Smash

But in truth, I was scared out of my mind. All I wanted to do was shrink back in fear and agony. It took every fiber of my being to resist.

The red-eyed giant laid down his hammer...but rather than feeling relief, I was instead even more worried by Sachiko's sadistically overjoyed expression.

I was flabbergasted. I couldn't even speak.

As she said this, she drew her face in close and I could feel her tiny, cold lips sucking the tears from my cheek.

Music: Wrong End

Video: Demise - Wrong End 2 ends here.
Wrong End 2 can be triggered in a couple of different ways. The most obvious is to investigate Ryou while in classroom 4-A. I went with the method above because it's a little bit less obvious. You'll also get caught by him if you let him catch up to you outside the custodian's closet, go inside as a means of escape, and then turn around and go right back outside.
Demise - Wrong End 3
Video: Demise - Wrong End 3
Music: Unavoidable Tragedy

While Yoshiki and Mayu are trying to rescue Nana in the locker room, we choose to reach for the bucket.

Yoshiki reaches for the bucket.

This brought to mind all the doors and windows that were so firmly frozen in place they might as well have been cement walls. I didn't need convincing. I knew what Kishinuma said was true. Those desks and chairs weren't going anywhere. I had no other choice but to step in.
Why are there desks and chairs in the pool locker room...?

Mayu climbs onto Yoshiki's shoulders.

I swallowed nervously, then reached my hands over my head, careful not to make any sudden movements. I could reach the bucket's handle just fine, fortunately. Now all that remained was untying it and getting it down without spilling whatever happened to lie within...

It felt almost as if the whole thing was filled to the brim with lead. I tried my hardest to maintain balance while adjusting to this unexpected new mass in my hands, but...

Music: None

Inevitably, my hands gave out, and the bucket was airborne. Someone had coated it with soapy water or oil, making it virtually impossible to hold on to. Whoever set this trap apparently anticipated this very scenario, and planned for it accordingly. We were meant to find this girl. We were meant to try rescuing her. And we were meant to fail miserably. This was all one big joke to someone.
The bucket flipped over in midair, raining its contents down onto the unknowing, unsuspecting victim below. Directly onto her face.

Her cried only lasted for one or two seconds. They were followed by a few convulsions in her legs...and then stillness.

It took almost no time at all for what was left of her pale, perfect skin to be dyed crimson.

Music: Wrong End

Video: Demise - Wrong End 3 ends here.
I really like this ending. The thought of having a bucket of razors, nails, scissors, etc. dumped on my face is completely horrifying. What a way to die.
Demise - Wrong End 4
Music: Escaping Samsara (A)

When choosing who will climb into the hole to collect the mysterious shiny object, we choose to send Yoshiki instead of Mayu. The screen fades out, and Yoshiki is secured with the rope.

Yoshiki climbs into the hole, and our perspective shifts from Mayu to him.
Music: None

Not that this is a pleasant prospect. Though it's too dark to see the area clearly, this entire space has an oppressive feel to it.

We inspect Hikari's body.
It's a girl's body. This is one of the ones that seems like a more recent death. So recent, in fact, that there's still a hint of body heat coming off of her. All of her fingers have been cut off, and her tongue seems to have been removed as well. Her student ID name tag is clearly displayed on her jacket:
Musashigawa Girls' Middle School
[Hikari Kiriue]

There's something lying on the ground next to her body. It seems to be the glinting object that called attention to this room in the first place.
Sound Effect: Item

Yoshiki begins climbing up the rope.
Video: Demise - Wrong End 4
This video covers the remainder of the update.

After a split second of what seemed almost like weightlessness came a hard slam on the ground. And following momentarily afterward was the other end of the rope. Did the girls let go? Fortunately, it happened while still relatively low to the ground, resulting in bruises -- albeit painful ones -- rather than broken bones.

Sound Effect: Thud

Music: The Dreadful Dark
No response. Ogasawara's body was simply going into repeated convulsions. And half her face had been smashed in like a watermelon. Her skull was clearly split wide open.

Sound Effect: Smash

Sound Effect: Crack, Crunch

Sound Effect: Snap

And mixed in with this blood were various meat-like chunks of varying shapes and sizes. Chunks that were clearly pieces of a person's body.

Music: Wrong End

I'm not really sure how sending Yoshiki down the hole ends with Yoshikazu (probably, based on the sound effects and Nana's crushed-in face) showing up and killing Nana and Mayu.
As I mentioned above, that's all we'll be looking at today. Tune in tomorrow for the other two Wrong Endings!