Part 17: Demise, Wrong Endings, Part 2
Demise - Wrong End 5Music: Escaping Samsara (A)

Before we get to the last two Wrong Endings of the chapter, we need to start the chapter over and do a couple things differently. We collect the rusty key as usual, but we don't enter classroom 1-C and collect the notebook.

We continue up to the third floor as usual, and Mayu decides she needs to return to the entranceway to examine the body inside once more.

When we do so, Mayu finds the bloody box cutter that was likely the murder weapon, but she does not find the student ID.

From this point, the chapter continues as usual. We switch perspectives to Yoshiki and Ayumi, then switch back and rescue Nana. The difference is that we're not holding the notebook or student ID.
By the way, those arrows in the corner of the above screenshot indicate that I'm using Book of Shadows' fantastic skip function, which fastforwards through all dialog at breakneck speed until unread text or a choice pops up. It's really nice for collecting Wrong Endings.

This is unrelated to the Wrong Endings, but a couple of scenes are changed if you aren't holding the student ID. The first is in the entranceway.
Music: None

Instead of a wad of tissue with fingers inside, we find a note.

"To Dad, to Mom, to my teachers and to everyone else at school, and to Mi, Tomo and Kana (my very best friends).
It's been about one week since I got sealed up here. I'm surrounded by the dead, and while I did come across a small number of people who were still alive, most of them have already died off. This is a bizarre place.
I had what was left of my lunch with me, so I ate that, but there's no other food to be found. Needless to say, I'm extremely hungry. I have almost no strength left, and my mind is starting to get hazy.
i thought abou t suicide but i was tol d t hat when you die here you feel the pa in you felt at deat h for the rest of eternntiy (told by a ghost) SO I want the easiest most pain-free death possible and have decided howI want   to   die.
I considered eating some of the dead bodies in here but de cided agianst it even tho i am very hungry. iam so hungry that my brain is shutting down and the pain   has   startedto dull.
i think i am very near death  so i have decided to write my last will and testament here be fore i can no longer form thouts
please forgive me for dying before you mom and dad"

That bit at the end looks like something that would count as a name tag, but Sawako Nara is not added to our list, and in fact, her name tag does not exist in either game.
Music: Escaping Samsara (A)

In the ID-less route through the chapter, the hole in this space still exists, but they don't notice the bottle inside. It's only purpose now is to bar our progress.

The event in room 1-C is different on this path as well. Instead of severed legs, we find...

There's a large bloodstain on the floor here. It's still wet, so whatever happened here must have happened within the last few hours at most. Lying nearby is a single shoe -- a girl's loafer, in the style typically worn as part of a school uniform.

Continuing to explore the second floor, we're automatically stopped at this space.

Either way, it's no longer possible to continue down the hall from here.

We know where to find a rope, but first we head up to the third floor and try to enter the reference room.

Use the rusty key

Kishinuma breaking the rust off of the key uncovered a label on its grip:

????? Didn't this key open a music box before???

Anyway, we head back down to the locker room and collect the bandages, making a rope out of them.

And we return to this hole.

The screen fades out while they prepare the rope.

Sound Effect: Crack

Music: None

Sound Effect: Smash

Then, the moment Nana's foot left the floor on the other end of the hole, there was an abrupt, almost exaggerated spray of blood. The back of the strange, bloody-eyed man's massive hammer had come down hard, roughly splitting through not only the rope, but both of Nana's legs as well.

More than anything, I wanted to look away. I wanted to look away from those desperate, tear-filled eyes...that shocked, pained expression...not to mention the sight of Nana's dangling torso, with nothing at all left below the thighs.

We're automatically moved to this space.


Music: Oddity

It's a chase sequence from the first game, re-imagined in a visual novel format. We've got a minute and a half to find a safe place, or else we'll be caught.

First, we head for the infirmary.

Something struck the glass window from inside the room. It was a dull, red...palm print?! And it began slowly sliding down the window, leaving an oozing trail of blood in its wake.

???: "You have to look out for yourself." Isn't that what your friend told you? *giggle*

We cannot enter the infirmary.
Video: Demise - Wrong End 5

Well, I'm out of ideas and out of time.
Sound Effect: Smash
Music: Despair

The bloody-eyed man raised his right leg, then quickly brought it down onto Nana's stomach, pinning her to the ground and forcing blood from her wounds.

This didn't stop the man from continuing his stomping fit, however. He was putting his whole body weight into every blow. I could hear the sound of bones breaking. Nana's chances of survival were lessening with every passing moment...and they weren't good to begin with.

What could I do? I wanted to save her, somehow...but I couldn't even move.

Kishinuma's attempt to save Nana was short-lived. The bloody-eyed man swatted him back like a fly, and he immediately fell through a hole in the floor.

Music: Wrong End

Video: Demise - Wrong End 5 ends here.
We can also get a different Wrong End on this same path, by performing different actions during the chase.
Demise - Wrong End 6
Music: Oddity

We attempt to enter the lab.

Use the lab key

Video: Demise - Wrong End 6
Music: None

It's a dead body bound to a chair with wire by both its wrists and ankles. Based on height and uniform, this was most likely a junior high school girl. She seems to have had hot oil poured over her head, burning everything above her chest into a blackened, unidentifiable mess. The only discernible facial feature is a missing tongue, and that only because its stump is still faintly visible through her broken front teeth. The wire around her wrists and ankles seems to have really dug into the skin, too, suggesting she put up a hell of a gith before taking her final breath.

Music: Despair

It was a little girl with matted, oily black hair spilling down her shoulders and over her chest. And she was holding something under her arm. As she drew out the vowel in her sadistically playful question, she triumphantly flourished this object, revealing it to be...a human head. It was a girl's head, with a perfectly uniform bob framing her face. She looked like the quiet type. Her mouth was half-open, trails of blood stained onto her chin. And once again, the tongue was nowhere to be found.

The girl in the red dress thrust her hand up into Chihaya's neck and was moving her mouth up and down while saying this, like a ventriloquist with a dummy.

As for me and Kishinuma, we knew the chase was over. There was nothing left to say. We just stood there, petrified at the thought of what was yet to come...
Music: Wrong End

Video: Demise - Wrong End 6 ends here.
During the Wrong Ending, Nari's name tag is added to our list. And it's...not quite right.

They not only mistook "Amatoya Nari" for "Amato Yanari," but they also mixed up her gender. Even though she's a student of Musashigawa Girls' Middle School.
While we're looking at Nari's name tag, let's take a look back at her name tag in the first game!

And of course, completing chapter 2 unlocked more Soulful Testimonies! Once again, these don't spoil anything we haven't already seen, so feel free to watch them.
Soulful Testimony - Yuuichi Nakamura

Soulful Testimony - Yuuka Nanri