Part 33: Shangri-La, Part 4
Music: Unrest (B)
Mitsuki and Fukuroi are now travelling with Morishige. There's also been an earthquake, so the positions of holes have shifted. With that in mind, we head back up the southeast staircase.

And we head north up the hallway to the fork.

And at last, we're able to reach the toilets.

We head upstairs and stop by the boys' room.

"Don't give it back."
Of course the room is boarded up, so there's nothing for us here aside from the note. we head next door into the ladies' room.

It's a half-decomposed body. Based on uniform and height, it seems to be that of a senior high school girl. Her head was thrust into the Japanese-style floor toilet, where she more than likely..."drowned."
There's a student ID name tag on her chest:
Shino Noguchi Age: 16
Reubens Academy Senior High School
Suffocated after head stuffed into urinal. Killer is unknown.

Music: None
Background Sound: Atmospheric Hum

Having been lodged under a decaying corpse, the logbook has seen better days. Its pages are warped and stained with blood and other fluids. The class designation "3-A" is still faintly visible on the cover, however, and there are sections that seem to have escaped the "leaking" intact.

Pool Opening

Disaster Drills
There are missing letters and numbers all over this page. Many of them seem to have been intentionally erased.

Memorial Service

Stop reading

Sound Effect: Item
Background Sound: None
Music: Unrest (B)

Finished on the third floor, we head back downstairs.

And into room 3-A, which was marked on the front of the logbook.

We've already explored this room, but we couldn't investigate the podium before.

"Bring back the class logbook you took from the reference room right this instant! There's no telling what's going to happen next. You understand that, don't you?"

We head in the direction of the reference room.

Conveniently, this hole has sealed up as well! We head upstairs.

And we stop outside the reference room.

It's a comparatively "fresh" corpse. Based on uniform and height, it seems to be that of a junior high school girl. Her limbs are contorted, as if she died clinging to the ground like a frightened insect. On further inspection, this seems to be indicative of her injuries, as it looks like someone repeatedly bashed her feet and hands into the floor.

Looking closely at the girl's face, something seemed off. It didn't take long to realize what it was: she had no tongue.

Even her name tag is bloody, but still legible:
Hiroko Kikumura Age: 13
Seisho Junior High School
All four limbs crushed by blunt object; died writhing on the ground.
I like to imagine Mitsuki and Fukuroi are just staring in a stunned, uncomfortable silence after Morishige's extremely detailed rant about that girl's death.
That aside, let's head into the reference room.

It's locked. And not with a key this time. It seems to be some sort of combination lock. Six digits, by all appearances.

I guess they didn't want to program in a numberpad or anything like that, so it just asks us for each of the numbers one at a time, giving us four options each time.
The solution to this puzzle is the "Disaster Drill" page of the logbook. Six numbers appear on that page, so you just enter them all in order. Aside from that page being the most conspicuous due to the missing letters, you can also figure out that it's important because there's a sign in classroom 3-A that mentions the disaster drill.
The combination is: 824322

With the lock out of the way, we head into the reference room.
Music: None

Bookending one particular gap on the shelf is a ceramic ornament depicting some kind of demon eating the left arm of a naked, headless figure.

The room fell into an awkward silence after that. I became acutely aware of my own poor disposition. Though I suppose I've never been very good at social interaction in the first place. I don't believe in wasting smiles on trivial things and I never quite learned how to lie, even to save face or keep from hurting someone's feelings.

True. We really didn't need the logbook anymore. The Goya sculpture, on the other hand, was practically calling my name. I reached for it, picked it up and...handed it to Mitsuki, since she had the biggest bag out of any of us. She looked puzzled, but took it anyway.
Sound Effect: Item

This statue is much cooler than the fetus and Baphomet statues from the previous game. Though that may just be my appreciation for the original painting speaking; it doesn't really make any more sense to find this statue here than it did to find the other ones.
Music: Unrest (B)

With the Goya sculpture in hand, we head back down to the second floor.

And then to the first floor.

And across the floor, to the locker room.
Music: None

Go anyway
The trio proceeds down the hallway for awhile, and then...

...and saw nothing but an endless corridor vanishing into inky blackness. It was basically a mirror image of the trek we'd been making these past few minutes.

As they say, sometimes the simplest solution really is the best. And if we wanted to see what was inside this thing, there was one surefire method.
Sound Effect: Crash

The Goya sculpture hit the ground with all the force I could muster and shattered into countless pieces.

It looked old, but since it had been sealed away from the elements all this time, there wasn't a single trace of rust or corrosion on it.

Clearly, this was an important item to have found. Now aware that Mitsuki's bag was not the safest place to store things, however, I pocketed it myself.
Sound Effect: Item

With our new key, we head to the north end of the first floor, to room 4-A.
Music: Unrest (B)

Use the copper key
With a click, the door unlocked.

There's a chalk picture drawn on the board. It shows a high school girl who was just run over by a steamroller. And at the helm of said steamroller is a young-looking child with a biiiiig smile on her face.

It's some sort of mechanism with a lever attached to it.

I hadn't noticed them at first, but Mitsuki was correct. There were small, bloody handprints on the alcohol lamp. Small enough that they most likely were made by a child. Or children.

Sound Effect: Item

With the lamp in hand, we return to the dark hallway.
Music: None

Light the lamp

And somehow, the darkness just seemed to shrink away from it, powerless against this unexpectedly capable opponent.

We continue out to the pool.
Video: Pool
This video covers the remainder of the update.
Background Sound: Rain

Collapsed on the ground was someone both of my companions clearly knew. She wore the same uniform as Yamamoto. Both Fukuroi and Yamamoto immediately ran to her side and began attempting to rouse and console her.

She darted her head around wildly, surveying her surroundings quickly and frantically like a wide-eyed fawn who sensed a predator closing in. What on earth could've happened to her...? It was as if her own paranoia had completely drowned out the sounds of her friends and classmates, to such an extent that she didn't even notice them. She was also perceptibly shaking -- a lot more than she would from the cold rain alone -- and her teeth were chattering. Something had truly spooked her.