Part 12: 8:44-11:12: Cuno Witnesses An Autopsy
Chapter 12: 8:44-11:12: Cuno Witnesses An AutopsyContent warning: Cuno and Measurehead are in this one, plus some new ableism
Lets start by talking to Mañana. Evrart pointed us toward him yesterday to resolve the weasel problem, and were probably not getting our gun back without dealing with that.

CALL ME MAÑANA: Its but a rest area on the path leading across open plains, he notes solemnly, then turns to you, a wide smile adorning his face:

CALL ME MAÑANA: Oh, say no more. I got you. He taps the side of his nose with a little wink.

CALL ME MAÑANA: I knew this man was a commie. He smiles, tilting his head. And its a good thing youre doing too. Thanks. What youre looking for is a basement door behind the greenhousethats behind the Whirling-In-Ragsthats all I know. Our organization is what you call *compartmentalized*. Means we keep out of each others business.
KIM KITSURAGI: Okay, but where did you get the key from?
CALL ME MAÑANA: The janitor gave it to me. Nice fella. We talked about life and things that really, *truly* matter. His gaze wanders off into the distance.

CALL ME MAÑANA: He shakes his head. Im more of a philosophical dockworker. I like to talk about the big picture stuff. Who I am. Who you are. What we are fighting for The man takes a big sip from his flask.

CALL ME MAÑANA: No, he pauses to think for a moment. I dont think Im a communist. Seeing something of value and saying *I want it all to myself* is a much older and simpler notion. No science to it at all.

CALL ME MAÑANA: I have nothing against communists, they are honourable boiadeiros. He takes a swig from his flask. And they have good analysis. But my own code serves me well. If my code starts failinga code can fail a man as well as a man can fail a codethen I will have to submit to a new one. Which may well be communism.

CALL ME MAÑANA:I guess you kinda get to be the village chief. He oversees the harbour, makes deals with the owners or other relevant parties. Watches out for his own.
KIM KITSURAGI: By that you mean corruption?
CALL ME MAÑANA: By heavens, why would he not be corrupt? We live in a harsh and disordered world, see. And in this world

CALL ME MAÑANA: He is *reasonably* lavish, sure. Thats his prerogative. Its not like you want a saintly demeanor on a corrupt motherfucker. That would be a manipulative illusion. Besides, there are no non-corrupt systems in the world anyway. And *moralism* is the most corrupt of them all.

CALL ME MAÑANA: Sure, Ive had the necessary free time. He spreads his arms wide, using the reach to show how much time he has. Fortunately, theres always time.
COMPOSURE: [Easy: Success] The look in his brown eyes conjures up an understanding: for him, having command of his time is the most important thing.
ENCYLOPEDIA: [Easy: Success] It all comes together now, the way he speaks about scabs, his general attitude. Hes a follower of a 500-year-old Franconigerian boiadeiro codeityelf an appropriation of vespertine cool


CALL ME MAÑANA: I aint the murderin type. But thats just me. Large organizations like our Union have all sorts of menwith all sorts of skills.
KIM KITSURAGI: Understood, the lieutenant takes a note. This has been of limited usestill, thank you.
Next. lets head over to Frittte and exchange that cheque for 25 dollarydoos.

We have forty bucks! Were rich!

Now, lets talk to Measurehead about getting that corpse down.


MEASUREHEADS BABE: Youre so noble, Measurehead.

KIM KITSURAGI: This is the uncomfortable result of not taking it down ourselves. I can live with the compromise.

MEASUREHEADS BABE: Cool. I like men with guns and power. The woman twirls her hair. Im Katya by the way.

Ugh. Just go, dont give him anything else.

Oh god, its Cuno time.

CUNOESSE: He *fucked* the tree up! Fucked it good! It was porno.

CUNO: Fuck you, Cuno says *kipt* if he wants to. Cunos dad says *kipt* all the time. *Kipts* a cool word.
CUNOESSE: Kipt, kipt, kiptidy kiptiy kipt The little one sputters, kiptidy kipt kipt kipt kipt
CONCEPTUALIZATION: [Medium: Success] Its like a little engine has come alive on the other side of the fence. An engine that only says *kipt*.

CUNO: Yeah, so? He doesnt understand. Cuno *did* sic the pigs on him. Cunos a man of his word.
CUNOESSE: Cuno sent your fat ass running around like jello!
CUNO: Look, pig Hes suddenly all business. Cuno sent you to rough some people up Cuno played you. That happened. Now you and Cuno should move on.

CUNO: You got fucked. He repeats. You got fucked, pig. Fucked *bad*. Of course youre gonna remember this. Now get the fuck out of here, griefin the Cuno After this shit you better have something *real* interesting to say if you wanna stay in Cunos face.

CUNO: And then what? You fuck in there? You fuck in Cunos kingdom?

CUNO: Its a vitamin, pig. Dont you know anything? He looks at you like you just pointed at the sun and asked what it was.

CUNO: Okay? Whatever?! You fucking *need* that shit to stay on top of your game. Cuno goes through like a tube a day. And you look like you could use a *barrel*.

CUNO: He looks at you, eyes bulging: Youre not getting this, pig! It *completely* takes away the hangover. Its like you didnt do *anything*! Like you stayed home playing with your choo-choo.

CUNO: Thats where Cuno gets his daily hit of electric, Cunos *shazam*. Cuno rides the fucking lightning in there, pig.

EMPATHY: Cunoesse is by far the worst of the two. Cuno has no problem being near you, but the other hides behind the fence, afraid for her life, like shes *done* something. Something very bad. She came up with that psychopathic scheme of screaming for help before. Cuno just wanted to talk to you about his name. Cunoesse was the one who wound him up and directed him. Also, Cuno hasnt stopped talking to you. Even enjoys it from time to time. When you talk to the other one its like talking to a cornered animal. She only hisses.

CUNO: Fuck you whispering about? he whispers back.
EMPATHY: Hes whispering too. Hes going with it. But watch what happens
CUNOESSE: Fuck you *f****ts* whispering about?!
CUNO: If Cuno wants to whisper, hes gonna fucking whisper, okay?! He turns back to you and hunkers down: Lets *whisper,* pig!

CUNO: Crazy? he whispers tensely. You dont know the half of it. Shes not crazy, shes insane. Dangerous. She smoked a man. Shes done people in, probably even pigs
CUNOESSE: Stop talking to him! Cuno, Im fucking warning you! Youre gonna get us into shit!
EMPATHY: She understands what youre trying to do.
CUNO: Yo, C? He pops his head up. Did Cuno not *tell* you?! Cuno told youCUNO TALKS TO WHOEVER HE WANTS. He hunches down again. Talk, pig. Cunos got it under control.

CUNO: Fuckin yeah. Cuno knows you dont want to face this right now. This dark shit. Cuno faces this shit every daymakes Cunos skin crawl.

CUNO: Forget Cuno said that. Cuno was just shitting. Cuno was just running his mouth. Cunos stupid like that. He feels eyes on the back of his headand stops.
LOGIC: [Medium: Success] A cop would be too large for her to overpower. But a determined child of her size can still kill the vulnerable. The elderly. The homeless. Or other other children.

CUNO: Cuno falls silent. He does not look at you when he replies

CUNO: Look, Cunos gonna put you at ease. We didnt do it.

CUNO: Crazy people? The fucking *näkkies*? I dont know

CUNO: Yeah, she was just there. He points at the apartment building behind the fence.
CUNOESSE: What was that Cuno? The little one twists her neck, looking at the building.

CUNO: Hows Cuno *dealing*? Cunos dealing just finehe doesnt need you fucking with any of it. C doesnt either.

CUNO: Listen! Listen! He points to his eyes, then yours. C is Cunos go-to, Cunos protecting her. You fuck with C, you fuck with Cuno. You threaten her, you threaten to take her away
EMPATHY: This is what it all comes down tohe needs you to take him seriously now.

CUNO: Yeah, what do you want? Cuno can hook you up with-- he starts, no longer whispering.
CUNOESSE: Dont hook him up with shit, Cuno!
CUNO: C, relax, he respects the Cuno. Cuno made him respect the Cuno. You respect the Cuno He turns back to you. You get all kinds of shit! Cunos gonna get you hooked on illegal narcotics, if you run a little errand for the Cunoget you *hooked*, pig. Get his hook in you. Then Cuno gonna get you hookin for more. Cash in big-style. Pig hooker. See, its tension and release with Cuno. Now we releasin. He pulls on his tracksuit trousers. The pant buying shit. Thats on now too. 90% discount for Cunos pig. Cuno can flex.

Fuck it, lets do it.

CUNO: Cuno gets it from his dad. Cuno and his dad are major suppliers! His eyes bulge; their veins reach out like tree branches. Thats where Cuno gets his lightning on.

CUNO: Cunos dad is a fucking monster, he says proudly. Hes the most violent man in Revachol. He doesnt give a shit about a single damn thing. He drinks too.

CUNO: A baggie but like in this vial.

CUNO: Fuck you talkin about. Half a G!? This shit is *giant*, grade A shit. So clean you can barely see it!

CUNO: Sure. He winks at you. Confiscate it. For Cuno. And you can have half. Cunos violent dads got Cunos key, so you need to fuck your way in there. Go to the pier-side. Bang on the door till the cleaning gimp lets you in. Thats how Cuno does it. Then you go to Room #12 and kick down the door. Police-violence style. Thats what Cuno does. And then its action time: Youre locked in the room with a violent fuck head. Thats it. He concludes. Next time Cuno sees you, you better have his shit.

Lets put on those sweet FALN pants!

KIM KITSURAGI: Yes. He covers his nose and lists: One, investigation of the scene. Two, initial examination of the victim. Three, field autopsy. Four transportation of the body to the morgue. Were on number three.
CUNO: The fuck are they on about?

KIM KITSURAGI: You are. Your station would not have assigned you on this case if you werent. Now, the way I see it he looks at the corpse with some disgust

THE HANGED MAN: The dead man stares in silence as you crack open the ledger. The bright red paper is covered in boxes and listsdescribing the condition of his skin and organs in three parts.

You still dont trust Evrart about your own name, eh? Smart. No telling if its true or not. Probably just another ploy to demean youbetter to stick with good ol Raphaël Ambrosius Costeau.

KIM KITSURAGI: KK57-0803.0815

KIM KITSURAGI: Hmh, the man corrects his glasses: roughly 50.

CUNOESSE: Fucky-fucky! the little monster exclaims, energetically.

KIM KITSURAGI: What else? He looks over your shoulder. *9. Body identified by* is non-applicable. *10. Case number* is the same as the coroners case.

KIM KITSURAGI: Noneat least not after the initial examination.

KIM KITSURAGI: Interfering with the bodys position or wounds post-mortem.
AUTHORITY: [Medium: Success] How did you not know that?! Arent you a *cop*? Youre leaving a weak impression here, say something sure-handed!

KIM KITSURAGI: Theyd *have* to have incapacitated and carried him overthis man was more than a match for untrained dockworkers. He places his hand on the dead mans chest, as if in preparation
COMPOSURE: [Easy: Success] Your central nervous system recognizes this gesture. Its the *Stations of the Breath* ecclesiastic, religious in nature. A holdout from Pre-Dolorian burial rites. It takes him two seconds to perform, then
ESPRIT DE CORPS: [Easy: Success] Somewhere in Jamrock North, a small wood shed behind Rozenkrantz, Lieutenant Nick Feuerbach puts his hand to the chest of a small corpse, no larger than a monkey. Its raining outside, light drizzle. There is darkness in the shed. Elsewhere yet, an obese female sits in a wicker chair, her silhouette ball-like against the window. Outside: Grand Couron. The day is turning dim for Sergeant Mack Torson. Hand extended, he approaches. To make sure she *is* dead, more than anything else
SHIVERS: [Medium: Success] The building is tall, seven stories wind-wrapped in solitude; most of the apartments are unoccupied. This was a suicide. The other an accidentthe small one.
ESPRIT DE CORPS: ...and so all across Jamrock, Coal City, G.R.I.H.. Forty-two deceased persons found todayforty-two Stations of Breath.

KIM KITSURAGI: Clothes, he begins. The deceased wears armoured boots and white briefs. The make of the briefs is Babroudine I think. Lets see He turns the body onto its side to check the underwear label.
CUNO: C, its happening!
KIM KITSURAGI: Babroudine, yes. Inexpensive. Size M. Colour: white.

KIM KITSURAGI: The rest of the clothes have been removed postmortem by scavengers in order to get to the victims ceramic armour. Officers are in search of the missing piecesremoval of the boots is left for processing.


KIM KITSURAGI: Tattoos. He stands up, feet planted on either side of the body. The upper torso is covered in a single, continuous tattoo resembling a map of the night sky. It reaches from the right shoulder to the heart. The ink is blue and white.

KIM KITSURAGI: Lividity is consistent with hanging. The head is congested. Contusions are present on the head, chest and thighsconsistent with stones thrown postmortem; low velocity
CUNO: Fucking *low* velocity, chink-chonk!? The kid explodes.
Jesus christ, Cuno! Thats uncalled for!
CUNO: You think Cuno doesnt know what youre talkin bout? Velocity was FUCKING MAX! Talkin shit about Cunos velocity

KIM KITSURAGI: Ligature mark The lieutenant produces a small folding knife. With the other hand pulling on the belt, he starts cutting into the polyester. The stench is horrid. After a while, its obvious the material cannot be cut. The steel wiring he concedesbreathless, theres too much of it. We *need* to remove the belt so we can get to the ligature mark.

KIM KITSURAGI: Always good to think ahead. Now He points to the rope squeezing the dead mans neck. We need to cut the belt to see the ligature mark below. Carefullywith as much *precision* as you can.
CUNO: C, my pig is gonna fuck his head off!

CUNO: You are, he says with calm certainty. Youre Cunos pig.

THE HANGED MAN: The belt is equally tight around the whole circumference of his neck, welling over the edges like white bread, rising from the yeast.

Seems like a lock.

CUNOESSE: Yeah, fuck him! FUCK THAT FÄGÄRI! Corpse fucking time!
CUNO: Told you my pig was hard core.

KIM KITSURAGI: He sinks the cutters into the knot, preparing to perform the cutswith his elbow to his knee for precision.
THE HANGED MAN: *Snap!* The knot is slashed. Another cut and the belt falls apart like a flower bouquet, revealing the dead mans neckand the dark red ligature mark around it.
KIM KITSURAGI: Here, he hands you the chaincutters back and then kneels closer to the bodyrunning his finger along the dark red groove. Until he comes to a gap The rope rises to a point, he says, leaving a *gap* in the ligature mark. The suspension point is in the back of the neck, on the nape.

KIM KITSURAGI: Chest is intact. He presses down on it. Normal contour. Abdomen is protuberant, pelvis intact. Genitalia He pulls down the mans underpants.
CUNOESSE: I fuckin knew it!
EMPATHY: [Medium: Success] This is clearly what theyve been waiting for. Ever since the autopsy began. The lieutenant is trying to make it as boring as possible.

KIM KITSURAGI: Back is symmetrical and intact. He struggles to turn the corpse on his side. Upper and lower extremities are intact, but asymmetrical. There are combat injuries on the right hand, thigh, and hip. In addition, I see smaller, residual scarstoo numerous to count, covering about 30% of his skin.

KIM KITSURAGI: Central nervous system, he says and then concludes abruptly: I have nothing. Do you have anything on this mans central nervous system?

KIM KITSURAGI: What would that be? he looks at you inquisitively.

KIM KITSURAGI: Good. Musculoskeletal. Purge fluid is coming from the mouth. He gets close to the mouth-hole, eyes squinting from the stench: Not injury-related. Eyes and tongue protuberant. Hyroid bone lets see. With his eyes almost closed, the lieutenant puts his hand on the dead mans throat and begins to massage it, gently. A rotting smell erupts from the mouth. Purge fluid runs down his lipsblack and viscous.
CUNOESSE: Yeah, jack that fucker off!

KIM KITSURAGI: Back hunchedas if in prayerhe begins to pry open the dead mans jaws: Respiratory system He stops to exert more force. Both hands are used. Oral cavity shows no lesions. The victim has received dental implants, possibly after a combat wound. Mouth swollen, hemorrhaging present in mucous of the lips and mouth.

THE HANGED MAN: Inside you see darkness. Just a mess of meat and darkness.

KIM KITSURAGI: Gastrointestinal, he breathes a sigh of approaching reliefthis is the last field on the list. He looks aroundto the ground, the pool of feces there
LOGIC: [Medium: Success] This will do.

CUNO: C, these pigs are fucking corrupt, the boy nods approvingly.
CUNOESSE: Why dont you fuck them if you love them so much?

KIM KITSURAGI: Sothe scalp bleeds from a postmortem head injury. A stone. The injury does not have the rim of an early inflammatory response. A perpetrator on the scene has confessed to causing it postmortem
CUNO: At MAXIMUM velocity, fucko!

KIM KITSURAGI: A dark red abraded ligature mark encircling the neck, with a gap on the nape measuring lets day 7 cm. The hyoid bone is fractured, the cervical column intact.

KIM KITSURAGI: Hmh The lieutenant falls silent, abruptly.
EMPATHY: He is deep in thought, eyes fixed on the bright red ring around the dead mans neck.

KIM KITSURAGI: Honestly, Im not sure there *werent* marks on his wrists. That part got blurry for me. The *stench * he covers his mouth. But youre right. I was ready to call thisnow I think we should leave it empty. At least for the time being.

KIM KITSURAGI: It was a... He looks for the right words. An irregular field autopsy. We did not establish cause of death, which is supposed to be the goal of an autopsy. But *personally* I do not see this as a parameter for success.

KIM KITSURAGI: for processing. He looks at the dead man one more time, then at the slip of red paper in his hand, then at the corpse again.
EMPATHY: [Medium: Success] Hes thinking: Did I miss something?
COMPOSURE: [Medium: Success] You tilt your head, also looking at the corpse.

What are you missing here? What is this hidden secret gnawing away at you and Kim, demanding resolution?


THE HANGED MAN: His fingernails have turned dark. Theyre chipped and quite long. There is dirt under them. Thats all.
KIM KITSURAGI: Do you think we missed something?

KIM KITSURAGI: It would have to be *industrial* in size. Lets start by asking Garte at the Whirling-In-Rags, and the Frittte store down at the gates. If they dont know His voice trials offand his gaze settles on *Cuno*. But only if *all else* fails.
CUNO: Fuck are you looking at ping-pong man? You wanna piece of the Cuno? Wanna get *fucked*?
KIM KITSURAGI: Only if *all else* fails, he stresses.
LOGIC: [Medium: Success] Hmm Cuno looks like he gets around. *Knows* Martinaise. And its fridges too probably

We put a point into Rhetoric and close this autopsy for the time being. Time to find us a fridge!