Part 17: 1160-1179, The Time of Trouble

Zenku decides it is time to reform the country as well as the religion. Firstly he tries to increase the number of troops supplied to him by his vassals.

While waiting for his vassals to approve this change in the law, Zenku passes the time the Ogoonu way.

The law is approved, and the levies the Mansa can call on goes from twenty seven thousand men to forty five.

What to do with all these troops? Oh yes, a Holy War, this one with a more manageable target.

Something about holy wars speeds religious conversion.

While getting ready for another long war against the Quaridids, Sultinate of Aragaon and the Tegamids, Zenku is surprised to hear that Sultan Husam has been captured in the first battle, ending the war.

The High Cheifdom of Ifni is created.

Ifni is given to Zakoi, the Mansa's brother.

Meanwhile, another secret Ognoonu is added to the world.

Oh, for those wondering who the Tegamids are. Another Muslim regime has had a name change.

Zenku notices his new province of Tharasset has only its castle. A city is founded. The Ogoonu's love cities. There are lots of people to tax and sleep with in a city.

There seems to be some friction between the old Sahelians and the reformed Sahelians. The Mansa will stay with the new religion however. He did found it.

To pass the time, Zenku organises a hunt.

Meanwhile, he refuses to give in to his basest of desires.

To dispel these thoughts, the Mansa throws himself into the hunt.

Of course, Zenku is not the kind of man to hold back.

Not that a stag is a threat to a man such as Zenku.

The Tegamids and Qadrid begin another war, and Zenku decides to join them to claim some more land for Ghana.

The armies mass and move into combat.

Zenku is not hasty, and moves when he has maximum advantage.

This is another stunning victory.

He hunts them down and captures Sultan Husman the not as wise as he would like.

The pretty boarders faction is happy. The lands go to Ogoonu, Zenku's two daughters both get a temple from which to worship the Snake in the Well.

Zenku looks at his lands, his massive income and his near infinite family, and wonders, Who do I have to be envious of?

Come here wench.

Zenku holds a feast, which of course includes a special tour of the Great Dongu Keep.

religious conversion occurs across the county, but that does not stop the Jihad for Morocco being declared by the Sunni.

The combined Muslim army out manoeuvres the Ghanans, and hit our first army with two to one odds.

Not even Zenku can win a battle with those odds.

Ghana suffers its first setback in a long time.

The shame is to much, and Zenku loses the will to live. He passes away in his bed, leaving Ghana to his son.

Mamoudou II is a gluttonous, lustful, slothful cynical but humble elusive shadow. He already has six children and is on his second wife.

His eldest son, only seven at this time, is stunningly attractive, a trait inherited from his mother.

The Qadirid decide to make the most of this change of management.

Once again, two huge armies clash.

The Ghanan forces lose narrowly, but are moving up reserves.

The two forces clash once more, and Mamoudou proves he is not the general his father was.

The battle is won, and Tafilalet reclaimed, but the army of 40,000 men that Mamoudou had at the beginning of the war is now a shadow of its former self.

The followers of the Old Saheilian religion decide to rise up against the followers of the reformed version. The fact that a Muslim army is marching through their lands has nothing to do with it either.

Rather than move troops away from the front with the Qadirid, Mamoudou uses his huge wealth to raise an army of mercenaries to deal with them.

Meanwhile, in the north, Mamoudou experiments with war.

He manages to force a white peace, before marching the remnants of his army south.

The Sahelian revolt us finally put down.

This has been a time of highs and lows for Ghana, may the next twenty years being more victories and less defeats.