The Let's Play Archive

Dragon Quest Monsters: Caravan Hearts

by MaskedHuzzah

Part 15: Raising Money

(Kiefer) I'm kinda tired now, baby. Maybe some other time?
Oh, you're so cold! How can you refuse a puffpuff from me? You've wounded my pride! So I've made a decision. Can I go with you? I want to show you what makes me so attractive... How about it?
(Lunlun) Oh my! Did your heart just skip a beat? My name's Lunlun! Huhuh! Now I'll be able to treat you right anytime! I don't know how useful I'll be on the journey though... Ahaha! In battle, I tell jokes that can distract enemies with laughter, and out of battle you can give me money and I might go and get something with it?
Tee hee hee!
So long, Ann. We're bringing along someone who's more useful to... look at. There's another little dancer here, but we'll just leave her alone.

Geographically-inclined Priestess: It was always so warm, but now it's locked in ice... White and cold, driving people out of the area. It's said that a Warrior defeated a wicked god that appeared in the region. Nobody really knows what's hidden in this area now.
Oh, hey! It's the Wagon-Loving Old Guy!
Wagon-Loving Old Guy: Oh! Hello again. Want me to improve another wagon?
Could you remodel the Great wagon?
Wagon-Loving Old Guy: Sure!
That reminds me - Great is a terrible name for a wagon, and I think I have a better one...

(Named by SCUDGuy)
Much better. Hey... What's that?

Oh, hey. Want to gamble? You can get some tokens and bet on the slots.
To what end? Money?
No! Useful prizes! Like WorldLeaves, or Steaks, or the hearts of True and Master classes.
Hearts, you say? Neato. But back to town.

Awed Resident: He might be a great Mechant, but that's too much to sell! Nobody would ever buy it! Huh? What's he selling, you ask? Some strange stone statue! He said that it was crafted by a legendary sculptor, but I don't trust him...

Chatty Woman: He was saying something about only wanting to sell to those who understand the true value of his stuff. I don't know why anybody would consider what he sells to be of any value.
(Bran) Welcome to Bran's Specialty Store! I've got a very special item for sale this time! This excellent work of art was created by the legendary stone artisan, Stonda! This piece brings happiness to its owner... Or so I'm told! The price is firm for something of this value... 10,000 gold! Well now, travelling boy! Are you going to buy it?
Of course!
Really? You have 10,000 gold?
Not as such.
Then get out there and start adding to your savings!
Then let's get this rolling! We'll beat up monsters until our monetary demands are met!

The Face Tree is one of the most annoying enemies in the game, since it can cause the Curse status, which does random terrible things, including short-term paralysis, damage, confusion, or MP loss, determined each round until the curse is removed. Hammer Men are smackdown machines. They learn Twin Hits, which doubles a monster's attack power, and Save Power, which lets them charge up for a round to deal double damage on their next attack. The point is on turn three, they'll devastate someone.

Let's pop that sucker open!

Knocked out with a single attack.

Some time later...(4+ hours of constant grinding)

Here's the money. Hit me!
What!? You're really going to buy it? You're not just leading me on? I sold it! I actually sold it! This figure belongs to you now! I didn't think I'd actually sell it... Cough! Oh, nothing! Come again! I might be selling other rare and impressive goods next time!
Alright, time to check out the goods...

Holy crap! A moving statue! Wait, I've seen them before. Not that impressive.
Oh! The sculpture started to move!
I'm no sculpture! I'm a monster known as the Stone Kid! Why am I here? I was just taking a nap in that cave...
Oh, sorry! I picked you up there, thinking you were a sculpture... Then I went and sold you to this young man.
So I got bought, huh? How much did he pay for me?
10,000 gold. I thought you were worth at least that much.
(Zugats) Heh, that's a good price. You've got an eye for quality, sir. Well, you bought me... So you're taking me with you. I am Zugats the Stone Kid. I take pride in my stone head! If you make some space for me, I'll do whatever you command.
Sweet! We got a little rock guy with us now. But who should we bring...

Monster Choice Vote:
First: Monster reformations!
Options for Slalon:
A: Slalon + Reefer + WalrusMan = DarkKnight. DarkKnight is 1 lighter and is better at attacking rather than Magic or Defense.
B: Slalon + Reefer + FaceTree = HaloSlime. HaloSlimes have the same weight as the BubbleKing, HaloSlimes are one of the 9 monsters that learn Vivify, which brings a monster back from the dead.

Options for Venasu:
A: Venasu + NoctoKing + Pod Hero = Boss Troll. One heavier, but the wagon can support him. Boss Trolls are beefy with a lot of HP and Attack.
B: Venasu + Berserker + Dragon = Arch Demon. Archdemons are the same weight. They learn Bang, as well as Lightning and Vacuum cut. Decent stats all around, and Bang is a pretty useful spell.

Options for Carol:
A: Carol + Boohbah + Mad Cat = Chaos Drake. The Chaos Drake is 2 more heavy than the Battle Rex. It's a 5 star monster (out of 5 stars, mind you), and gets Heat Breath, which, if memory serves, induces paralysis. Great stats.
B: Carol + Gargoyle + PuppetMan = Skullgon. Same weight, cold based attacks. Also picks up the awesome power of the Hustle Dance from one of his hearts.

Options for Zugats:
A: Zugats + Rogue Knight + Dead Father = Mimic. Weight 3, awesome design - He's a chest!. He'll learn the core group of Clerical skills from the series - Heal, Vivify, Infernos, and Beat, among other things. Good support set to keep.
B: Zugats + Stone Spider + Bomb Crag = Stone Man. Weight 5, lots of defense and HP. Builds him as a tank with skills like High Defense, Defeat All, and Save Power.

Then, Who should we bring? Any three monsters will do.

Tinymedals: 37
Hearts: Dradon, Flower Beat, MadPlant, BabyPanther, Demonite, Gargoyle, Reefer, BullBird, WildApe , Nocto King, Tonguella, Dead Father, StoneSpider, FloraJay, PhantomGlass, Berserker, Fighter, Fisher, Boohbah, Puppet Man, Mage, PodHero, Goopi, Unicorn, Fisher, DeadFather, BombCrag, RogueKnight, Dragon, Baby Panther
New Hearts: Face Tree, Hammer Man, MadCat

Next time. on Let's Play Dragon Quest Monsters: Caravan Hearts: More boating!

Minor note: Evidently something went awry, since I thought I posted this last night.