The Let's Play Archive

Dragon Quest Monsters: Caravan Hearts

by MaskedHuzzah

Part 18: Exploring the new final area!

(Kiefer) Behold the new reformations! Let's just grind 'em up a bit...

Now, let's go back to that shrine. I bet we need to put the orbs in those statues...

(Magarugi) Alefgard, the land of legends has been revived. Come to me there, and I will grant the wishes that you desire.
(Luin) Whoah, what happened? What was that noise!? It was like the whole continent cried out! And the earth shook! By the way, when are we actually going to get our wish? From what the Master of Illusions said, just collecting all of them doesn't seem to be enough. We might have to actually meet with the Master of the Illusions...Maybe the earthquake opened up a new place to go...
Like some sort of continent named Alefgard, perhaps? Let's stroll on back to that portal out of here. This place is annoying.

I wonder why we can only get there from the Samaltorian Port. We had to take a couple of ships to get over here, too. If I didn't know that, I could get really confused at this point of the adventure.

This place was submerged, right? That's why only people who came by ship are here.

Curious Woman: It seems that it is... That's why so many people have come to check it out. But there are so many powerful monsters lurking about that they can't go anywhere!

(Bake) I figure that there are new recipes sleeping in a new land! That's the reason I came all the way here... But there's a dangerous smell all over this land... I want to investigate it. Can we be allies?
More food always makes things better! Come along! So long, Jula.

Let us never speak of this again.

... or that.
Depressed Bully: I came here thinking that there might be riches, but... It looks like that was a mistake.

Hey, Wagon-Loving Old Man! Thanks for making our wagons a bit bigger again!

But there's no mistaking it. We're in Alefgard now. Before we set out on adventure, we should set up the camp here! Grandpa Gyavan and the others should be here any minute now.

(Gyavan) I think that you've got no choice but to gather information yourself.

Well, let's see where we can go here...

(Machua) Ooooh! Elephants! Trumpeters are one of the most powerful of the beast-class monsters. They get some powerful physical attacks and have great overall stats.

(Raider) More annoying enemies. The LampGenie can heal and is pretty strong defensively. The Triwinder can use fire breath attacks and paralyzes as well.

(Kachua) More heavy hitters with Body Slam. Not a lot of variation amongst monsters here, neh?

Huh. This looks like the heart of a golem who guarded here for years, until he was taken out by some choad with a flute.

Mysterious Person: I was thinking of accompanying the fated child on his journey.
Cryptic Old Man: I agree with this. The things that you've learned should be quite useful for him.
Mysterious Person: Yes. Thank you for everything you've done until now.
Cryptic Old Man: Right. Never stop fighting to keep the legend alive. You may go, Izlag my disciple!
Mysterious Person - Izlag: I've been waiting for you... You, who possess great courage in a small body.
Blah blah blah we don't need a sage. Sure, they do both healing and attack spells, but they don't do either very well. Let's go to that cave tunnel to the north...

Angry Dragon: You...! You took the princess from me... I won't forgive you! Ever!

A brief fight later...

Remorseful Dragon: Oh princess... Where is the princess... I can no longer see... Or hear...
Moving along...

The gate's sealed up, so we'll have to take the side entrance. Too bad there's nothing in there. Just one more place to go... That castle in the bay!

This feels a little bit endgamish.
Tinymedals: 24

Hearts: BabyPanther, Tonguella, Nocto King, Bull Bird, Unicorn, Wild Ape, Walrus Man, Flower Beat, Opabi, Mad Plant, Hammer Man, Pod Hero, Goopi, Puppet Man, Phantom Glass, Bomb Crag, Stone Spider, Demonite, Death God, High Merchant, Hammer Man, Slime Knight, Snapper, Berserker, Army Crab, Big Mommonja, Metal Slime, Roboster, Metabble, Roboster, Blizzard, Snome, Gigantes, Swordgon, Arch Demon,

Next time. on Let's Play Dragon Quest Monsters: Caravan Hearts: The Castle of the Illusion Lord.