Part 8: Part Eight: Let's get this update over with so I can start drinking, alright?
Part Eight: Let's get this update over with so I can start drinking, alright?

So I got the Ikustega jaws, the Thorn tail, and of course, the

tadpole has evolved to wooper!

Woah, now I jump like nobody's business.

AND I can kill all these little lizards with one hit now.

Yeah, i'm pretty badass now.

I can even jump up and kill the dragonflies now.

just.... one more try...

A-ha, I can do 2 damage just by jumping on things.

Alright, let's do this.

An Epic Battle Ensues!

This is just as fun as it looks.


The new jaws tear up this big dumb gonk frog.

Night falls on the battlefield as I take my leave, only to find...

I made this decision for us, because cmon.

So, now we have a choice.

Is it North or East, gentlemen? (ladies?)
V edit: I know, but then I couldn't use this