The Let's Play Archive

Exit Fate

by TheOneAndOnlyT

Part 16: Master Of Misinformation

Welcome back. Last time on Exit Fate, we escaped from the clutches of the Highland rebels and confronted Governor Banhk about the corruption in his state. But before the conversation could really lead anywhere, Jasper showed up to tell us that Kirgard had started its attack. So it's time to see what we can do about that.

Jasper is once again joining us, but like last time, he's only going to be with us for ten minutes while we hike back to Elysium.

But also like last time, he's required to be in the party for that ten-minute stretch, so Mike gets the boot. He wasn't doing much anyway.

Before we leave, though, I check one of the side rooms of the mansion and find the cat again. Remember him? I think we might have pissed him off...

To no one's surprise, he runs away.

After that, we head on over to Ansee and ask Sally to take us back to Elysium Castle.

Music: Elysium - Chrono Trigger, "Frog's Theme (Orchestral Version)"

But before we meet with Erin, there's someone waiting for us out on the grounds.

It's the cat. All right kitty, this time you're not getting--

wait, what

you're talking

you're a cat, how are you talking

what the hell is going on here, you're a cat

how on earth can you

what the fuck just happened

So, uh, yeah, Klaus here is our newest party member And surprisingly enough, he's actually not that bad. As is to be expected from a cat, Klaus is supremely agile: he's the fastest character in the game by a wide margin and also has some of the best DEX of any character, meaning he's going to be dodging attacks like crazy. To top it off, he's even decently strong, coming in a little behind Ayara in the STR department. The downside, however, is that he needs that dodging ability: he has terrible HP and the physical and magical defenses of wet tissue paper, and as he's not human-sized, he's not allowed to wear any armor to beef them up. Like Carson, Klaus will have the most success as a mid-row fighter, but even then he's a bit of a risk because an errant magic spell can completely ruin his day.

Klaus attacks with his paws, and does pretty decent damage with them. And yes, that means that we can take Klaus to a blacksmith and forge his paws. And that's not even the weirdest thing we can forge.

Now then, I believe we were heading for the meeting hall.

Music: Mission - Xenogears, "Leftovers from the Dreams of the Strong"

Please wait, Captain. It was out of the colonel's control. I will explain everything later.
Hmm... If you say so, Jasper, then I'll take your word for it. We'll discuss this once we've returned to Matrech. For now, Colonel, let's focus on the situation in Mayfall. I assume you've already heard the basics?
Mayfall is under attack from Kirgard, right?
That's putting it lightly. Despite all our preperations, those bastards completely overwhelmed us.

What!? You mean they're right at the border with Matrech!? But wait... you say they pushed straight through? They didn't take Mayfall City first?
That's right. The capital itself is still under our control, but it's been cut off from the rest of Zelmony. The Kirgard army set up their main camp a few miles outside of the city.
Strange... Why did they do that? Mayfall City's surrounded, but their own forces are vulnerable too. Our main army can strike them in the back when they're focusing on taking the city.
Their plan was clearly to strike fast and prevent any information about the state of Mayfall from getting out. If they had succeeded, we would've had no idea about the status of the city. The whole state could've been under their control for all we knew.

I see... Since we know what's going on, that increases our options.
More than that. The message didn't just inform us about the invasion. It actually proposed a plan to strike back. Colonel Merrick realized that if the city got cut off, his forces would be useless, so he took a gamble.

If we pull it off, we can quickly take back Amen Corner, and then move on to catch the enemy at the camp in a pincer attack.
If Kirgard's strategy is built on sealing us off from any information, then they probably intend to besiege Mayfall City and slowly wear them down. They won't be expecting us to fight back quickly with a coordinated attack. With this plan we should be catching them by surprise.

General Keyser? What makes you so sure it's him?
The first legion is still at the capital, and the third and fourth legions have already fought at Helman Island. It makes sense to use the second legion next. Also, this doesn't fit the other generals' styles. General Knight is more direct than this, and Leonius is more conventional.
I'm familiar with General Keyser. He has a high reputation, even here. But even if he's as good as he's made out to be, no plan is perfect. He simply didn't count on the Mayfall army taking such quick action. This is an opportunity we can't miss. We have a chance to put a halt to the Kirgard invasion and hand them their first defeat in this war.

Your combined numbers should be more than enough to defeat them.
Captain... you're handing over command of this mission to me?

I'm still not completely convinced that you can do it, so I want to get this over with as soon as possible. If you're going to have a change of heart, then you'd better do it now.
You can leave this mission to me, Captain. I'll prove my loyalty to the State Union.
Watch the Kirgard legion's movements closely. If they're up to something we weren't expecting, retreat immediately. Don't take unnecessary risks. There's no point in forcing a victory at Mayfall if it means taking heavy losses.
Good. I'll return to Matrech then. Jasper.
Yes, Captain.

Why did we have to carry this guy around with us, again?

So this is it... we can't avoid it any longer. We'd better get some good rest before the battle. I'll return to my room for the night. We'll come back here tomorrow.
Yes, sir.
I'll go gather information on the situation in Mayfall and notify the rest of the army.

Music: Elysium - Chrono Trigger, "Frog's Theme (Orchestral Version)"

We're given control back briefly here, and all of our party members leave. There's nothing to do at this point but head back to our room.

We do find Klaus now occupying one of the formerly empty rooms on the second floor, though.

I... don't even know what to say to this.

There's something new in our room. Can you spot it?

Music: None

The time I spent in Kirgard already feels like an eternity ago... but to fight them, am I really ready for that?

And without warning, we're abruptly forced into a one-on-one battle with a goddamn ninja.

There's no real strategy to the fight. The ninja will only attack physically, but he doesn't do that much damage, so all you really need to do is keep attacking him. He doesn't have that much HP.

I used a Mend during the fight, but I likely would have survived even if I hadn't.

Who are you!? Get away from the colonel!

Are you an assassin? Who sent you?
I wasn't sent by anyone. I'm here to avenge my sister's death!
Your sister? Is that the Rosa you mentioned? I don't remember anyone with that name.
Of course you wouldn't. She was just another soldier in the Kirgard army.

Music: Suspicion - Suikoden V, "Suspicion"

The Kelsinger incident!?

Shut your mouth. I want to kill you even more now, you cowardly liar.
The colonel is not a liar!! I was there at the camp too! I suffered through the same thing as your sister! Colonel Vinyard has nothing to do with it!
How dare you call yourself a victim. Your men died, but you... you're here in this comfy room enjoying your top position in the State Army.

So, there's nothing I can do to convince you? Fine, I understand.

Enough people have died because of the Kelsinger Incident already. He's a victim just like you and I. Some day the truth will come out. You'll need to stay alive until then, if you want to catch the real perpetrator.
You won't get rid of me so easily. I -will- come back for you.
Then I'll be waiting.

We have enough on our minds already, Ayara. You can go now. But make sure someone stands guard at the door at night from now on.
Yes, sir.

The next morning...

Music: Elysium - Chrono Trigger, "Frog's Theme (Orchestral Version)"

We're given control again, but like last time, there's nothing we can do except head to our destination, this time the meeting hall.

In addition to Carson, Col, Ljusalf and Ayara are all there waiting for us.

I don't think there's anyone here who isn't, Col.

Talking to Carson will get things started.

The game will give us a chance here to go through the war battle unit setup again.

We've got some new characters, as well as a new unit leader, so I do a bit of shuffling around. Daniel replaces Cid with Klaus, granting him the Evasion skill.

Ljusalf replaces Col with Royston, who grants a +1 defense boost.

Outsider is new, and he gets Yan Angwa for a +1/+1 boost, Carson for +1 attack, and Francesca for the Light Feet skill. I leave him as a scout, since having more long-range-capable units is always helpful.

After that, it's time to head out.

Fade to black...

Music: Mission - Xenogears, "Leftovers from the Dreams of the Strong"

We find our heroes in Mayfall Forest.

Let's hope the Mayfall forces are on time. A slight difference in timing could ruin the plan.
They were very specific about the time in their message, so it should be fine.
I'm sure they're watching the enemy camp as well. Even if we're early, they'll see us coming.

Is it bothering you that we're about to fight against Kirgard, sir?
That's part of it, of course, but what's bothering me even more is that it's General Keyser we're up against.

Actually, this is the first we've ever heard of Keyser being called "The Undefeatable", but whatever, we'll roll with it.

S-Sort of, but... it's kind of hard to believe.
Is something wrong? What happened?

Music: Suspicion - Suikoden V, "Suspicion"

Could it be an ambush!?
They might be hiding inside... but I don't know how that would give them an advantage. Besides, they couldn't have known that we were coming.
Damn you, Keyser... What are you up to?
What do you suggest we do, sir?

Are you sure that's safe?
As long as we're careful, it should be fine. It's too obvious to be a trap. Keyser is not that straightforward. Something else is going on.
All right, but be careful. We don't know what to expect.
Let me come too, sir. I don't have a good feeling about this.

We get a chance to save and set things up here.

Daniel and Ayara are techincally alone in the party here, so I load everyone back in.

I guess all the townspeople are inside... but what about the Kirgard army?
I can understand why the regular people would hide in their homes at a time like this... but is there no one else here at all? It's not making any sense. Let's take a look over there.

What's going on?
I really don't know.

Music: None

They didn't abandon this town! They just withdrew to attack Mayfall City!
But... why didn't they attack the city in the first place then?
That was the whole point! Why didn't I realize it sooner!? Keyser couldn't attack Mayfall City directly because he'd be risking a pincer attack from Mayfall and the State Army. This plan we followed played right into their cards! It stopped us from coming to Mayfall's aid because we were holding back, all according to the message! Keyser knew about it from the start... No! Maybe he sent it out himself! If he got Mayfall to attack earlier than us, the second legion could move in and rout them without having to protect the rear!

Music: Commandos - Chrono Cross, "Dragon Knight"

They're Kirgard commandos! The special operations elite force!

Wait. Waitwaitwait. Sick? Sick!? That was the best name your parents could come up with? Jesus.

You may have won the first battle, but the war is far from over. We'll see who laughs last.

What's wrong with them?
I heard the training for Kirgard commandos is so tough that it drives them mad, but I didn't think it was this serious...

God, I know that in most cases I should be transcribing this dialogue instead of using a bunch of huge screenshots, but I just feel the need to leave almost everything Trevor says in image form. Every one of his lines is just gold.

No, you big doofus! We only have to stall them for a while.
What are you doing!? You don't tell -them- that!

Now, where were we? Oh, that's right. We were at the part where we were going to destroy you! Prepare to meet your doom!

BOSS FIGHT: Trevor & Sick

(No music change; Commandos continues playing)

Uhhh, hey, Bruce? If you're reading this, I take back what I said about your sword. You've got nothing on this guy...

Sick opens up the battle by casting Mindblow, a nasty status effect that could have changed the entire tide of the battle if he had cast it on Midian or Yan Angwa. Any character inflicted with Mindblow will not regenerate MP as long as the status persists. It's curable, but we don't have the means to do so yet. Fortunately Sick decides to target Joe with it.

Trevor, meanwhile, uses his turn to charge something up.

Once again I get lucky with Joe's first steal attempt and nick a Black Kirgard Plate from Trevor. Unlike the unbelievably shitty Kirgard Platemail, the Black Kirgard Plate is actually better than any armor we can currently acquire.

Aside from the occasional Mindblow, Sick will spend most of his turns karate-chopping the front row for decent damage.

Trevor, on the other hand, will alternate his turns between "Charging" and eviscerating a column with Dark Slash. It hurts a lot, but he takes so long between uses that we can easily get our middle- and back-row characters back up to full health before he gets a chance to hit them again.

And... that's the entire battle, really. Neither Trevor nor Sick has that much HP individually, and Sick is light-aligned, so Midian and Yan Angwa Shadowcast him into paste pretty fast. Sick should really be your first target in this battle, since you really don't want him casting Mindblow again and his damage is persistent enough that he can quickly drop one of your frontliners into KO range for Dark Slash. Trevor's damage, while high, is easily dealt with as mentioned above.

Sick unfortunately goes down before I manage to successfully steal from him. He's got a Mend-All, but I've already got three, so the loss of a fourth one isn't a huge deal.

Trevor manages to get off another Dark Slash, luckily on the other column this time...

... but a Lightray from Midian takes him out not much later.

Music: Boss Battle Won - Chrono Cross, "Victory (A Cry In Summer)"

We get a free Shadowcast and Lightray for our trouble, as well as a decent amount of Arn.

Music: Commandos - Chrono Cross, "Dragon Knight"

Had enough!?
Hmmm... Fine! We'll call it a draw! We were only meant to stall you anyway.
How did guys like you ever get into the Kirgard army...?

Holy god damn Sick with the ! And... hmmm...

You know, considering the way he holds that thing, you might have a point there...

Shut up! Our job is done here. Let's go, Sick. It's too late, soldier boy! You can't save Mayfall anymore!

Music: None

And Trevor and Sick vanish into the trees.

Fade to black...

A moment later, we find Carson talking with one of the villagers.

They ordered all citizens to stay inside today, probably to fool us into thinking there was a trap and delaying us further.
A few hours ago... Get the rest of the army here! We'll move out immediately! We may still have a chance!
Do you think we can make it in time?
I don't know, but this may be our only chance to stop Keyser. We have to try.

Fade to black...

Music: War Battle - Final Fantasy IX, "Consecutive Battles"

This, uh... doesn't look good.

We're too late? It looks like the city already surrendered.
That means the Mayfall forces were defeated. We won't get anywhere if we attack by ourselves. We should retreat.
No! We still have a chance! They may still be weakened from the battle!
You fool. You need to realize when you've lost a battle. Show him how we deal with traitors!
It'll be my pleasure, General!

Holy shit, did I say this didn't look good? I meant to say that it looks fucking awful. The enemy has more than two and a half times as many men as we do.

Not to mention that Keyser and Bruce are both leading units that are pretty much impenetrable. 1200 men for a single infantry? Yeah, this is not a battle we're going to be winning.

Nothing really interesting occurs in the first few turns of this battle, so I'm going to skip ahead to turn 4, which is the only time during this battle that something actually happens.

We may not win this battle, but I'll be damned if I let a chance go by to take a potshot at Bruce.

Music: None

As soon as Daniel engages an enemy, Carson will urge us to retreat.

...Damn it! You're right. There's nothing we can do by ourselves.
Run all you want! We'll catch you sooner or later!

Huh? What is it?
There's someone I feel I should know, someone I used to know in the past, but I can't remember at all. You're the only one I can ask who's known me long enough.

Do you really not know who she is, Colonel Vinyard?

Yes... All units! Fall back!

The woman I remember from a distant past, the one who came to see me after the castle's opening... She's leading the army of the country we fought against eight years ago? I don't understand... How could we have known each other? What piece of my memory is still missing? Who are you... Brunhild?

I have to find out. I have to know what her relation to me is. Somehow... I feel that she's important. But what can I do? I have no idea where to start looking... I guess it'll have to wait. First, I should go back to Matrech and tell the captain about the battle.

Next time: How do you defeat the undefeatable?