The Let's Play Archive

Final Fantasy Tactics

by Orange Fluffy Sheep

Part 9: Thieves Fort

Completing Zeklaus Desert unlocked another tier of items. These elemental rods boost their respective element.

The Ice Rod will allow Norma de Sade to kill everything from here to kingdom come.

Red Hoods offer some more HP and MP.

Small mantles provide 10% evasion for both magic and physical attacks from all sides.

Chapter 1 is nearly over, in terms of anything being able to pose a threat.

Well, lets get to Igros and


They're a bunch of weak little Black Goblins, so they fall one after another easily.

That's a physical attack by the way. Somehow Norma breaks double digits

Fist gets Hi-Potion because I think the things are on sale already. 70 HP is a hell of a lot better at keeping Ramza not dead than 30 HP.

However, any cheer is lost when Ramza and his friends, returning to Igros with the Marquis safe, are called upon by an infuriated Dycedarg

Remember that melody from Night Battle I pointed out? It's an arrangement of Dycedarg's theme here. Take that as you will.

: ......
: Explain to me...
: I forced Ramza to go with me.
: Is that true, Ramza? Did Delita force you to go?
: ...No it was my decision, not Delita's.
: Ramza's lying, I was the one to...
: No need to protect me. I decided to ignore an order!

"What purpose do laws serve when even those who would enforce them choose not to pay them heed?" Is this line in WotL. The original gets the idea across okay even though it's a bit silly sounding. The retranslation makes his point more exact.

: We Beoulves must show the importance of showing the "law" as the knights rule. Are you trying to ruin the Beoulve name?
: ...I'm sorry, brother...
: That's enough, Dycedarg.

Duke Larg of Gallione, the White Lion, enters. Ramza and Delita bow instantly in his visage, while Algus, unaware of the duke's appearance, has to take a cue from the other two before bowing.

For those of you who are interested, Larg is the brother of the Queen.

: He was a great help resucing the Marquis. I know young soldiers are eager to succeed. So were we.
: Don't spoil him. There's a line between right and wrong.
: So, you are Dycedarg's younger brother.....relax. You look exactly like the late General Balbanes... A fine-looking young man. I'm sure that youthful energy didn't come from just guarding the castle.....

Dycedarg, getting the hint, sighs before talking.

: The mission is nearly done. I'll allow you to join. We'll attack some of the thieves' hideouts at once. You choose one of them.
: ...Yes.

Ramza and his friends leave. However, the scene doesn't end there. Larg and Dycedarg begin talking between themselves.

: Don't apologize, Dycedarg. After all, Gustav wasn't much of a soldier. The plan couldn't be changed after the Marquis was kidnapped in Gallione.... Besides, he did save the Marquis's life. They must accept our demands. Your brother's actions turned the tide for us...
: The king doesn't have much time to live..... We must hurry.....
: Yes, I'm counting on you, my friend...

Unaware of the plans of his brother and his liege, Ramza continues.

The next mission is here. It's the first spot that becomes a blue dot but doesn't have shops. It's a third entrance to Mandalia, and entrance influences the enemies that appear. Marbols can show up in Mandalia from this direction.

Long Bows are finally for sale in Igros.

Stronger armor, too.

Norma and Ramza are on the cusps of great abilities, so I take out a random battle.

Chakra heals HP and MP in a cross shape centered on the user. It's totally free and Ramza's so buff that it heals a lot right now.

This increases Norma's MA by 1/3 for purposes of calculating damage. A whole third.

Chapter 1 is over in terms of anything being able to pose a threat. A good chunk of Chapter 2 is over, too.

Anyway, I'm pretty sure Dycedarg is tired of us dicking around.

Sorry BulkVanderhuge, but you're not very good.

A steady rain is falling. In the back of the fort...

No, seriously, they have two Priests talk one after the other.

: My brother... His views were too optimistic.

Just gotta ruin every conversation, don't you, Ramza? Miluda and her troops file out of the fort for a battle.

: I'll stay on 'till the end!

This is the first "assassination" battle, in which only one enemy needs to fall in order to win. In this case, it's Miluda.

She's very well armed and armored, to my dismay.

The battle goes... surprisingly well. The priests and thieves, for some reason, just hate the shit out of Delita and Algus, to the point where Ramza and the girls are completely unhindered.

Ramza and the girls are the real damage dealers. You see where this is going.

Ramza knocks out a few of Milly's teeth. Of course, my tendency towards quick offense means a few mid-battle conversations don't occur. I'll transcribe the interesting ones anyway. This one, in particular, has a few motifs that get repeated in the after-battle scene.

: Who do you think you are!? We're not animals! We're human, just like you! There's no difference among us other than our families! You ever been hungry? With only soup to eat for months? Why do we have to suffer? Because you nobles deprive us our right to live!
: Human? Hmph, ridiculous! From the minute you were born you had to obey us! From the second you were born you were our animals!!
: Says who!? That's nonsense! Who decided all this?!
: It's the Will of Heaven!
: Heaven? God would never say such things! In his eyes, all are equal! He'd never let this happen! Never!
: Animals have no God!!
: !!!!!
: Ramza, is she really our enemy?

Good compatibility? Check. Element boost? Check. Magic Attack UP? Check. No way of her surviving because her shield only gives physical evasion and she has no mantle? Heck.

I try to knock Ramza out of the way with a rock, just to get a few more JP.


Well, that's what Miluda was holding. I guess she did.

Lightning flashes, thunder rumbles across the sky.

: You hate us that much...?

: She's your enemy! An enemy of the Beoulves! Understand? Your enemy! She's a loser. Who's lost sight of life! Losers cannot remain alive! If we don't kill her, she'll kill us! We can't coexist! Kill her, Ramza! With your own hands!!
: Ramza, I don't see why she's our enemy...
: What did you say? Are you mad, Delita?

Lightning flashes.

: She's not an animal, she's a human, just like us...
: Are you betraying us!? You, too...?
: Oh, sympathy is it? Despicable creatures. You're my enemy as long as you belong to the Beoulves. Don't forget it......

Miluda limps off into the night, the thunder rumbling every few seconds.

: Geez, what's wrong with you?

That is, the residence of the Beoulves.


A thief exits the manor with an unconscious Teta in hand!

Golagros is Wiegraf's lieutenant in the Death Corps. They're behind the attack!

Another thief has Alma, who is resisting every step of the way.

: Ouch! Let go of my hand! Brother!!

Zalbag sprints out of the door and slays the thief in a single swing.

: Damn! That's it!

Golagros flees before Zalbag can get to him.

: Are you alright, Alma?
: I'm okay, but Teta isn't.
: Yes, I know.

Dycedarg, wounded severely in the attack, limps out.

: Brother!!
: I, I'm all right..... What about ...Alma...?
: Yes. I'm fine. What an awful wound...
: I never thought they'd come here. They're after me.
: Five people were killed, and Teta was kidnapped.
: After them...Leave no stone unturned until you find them.
: Please don't talk anymore!
: Death Corps... bastard.

Dycedarg passes out.

Ramza and Delita, still confused over what Miluda and Algus have said, are in for another shock...