The Let's Play Archive

Fire Emblem: Awakening

by Tae

Part 120: Robin A

I feel so awkward around Robin . Ever since that bathing-tent run-in... *sigh* Whenever I end up alone with her, I'm just frozen in embarrassment.Argh, what should I do? I've never had this problem before.

...Ah, I know: a bath! Yes, perhaps a nice hot bath is just the thing for my nerves... I'll have a soak and then find Robin for a relaxed conversation, like always. *takes a bath*

Let's see... The lances and axes are kept around here somewhere...I'll just take a quick inventory and see if any need repairs or replacing... Somewhere... around here... Ah, here-the arms storage tent, I presume?

All right then, I'll just head in and- AAAAAAGGGGGGHHH!

Robin?! Where'd you come from?


Blazes, what are YOU screaming for? If anyone should be screaming, it's me, isn't it? You aren't supp-OUCH! OW! Stop it! Stop throwing things! Hey, that's sharp! Don't-YEOWCH!

ARGH! Have you NO shame?! Noble or not, you should AT LEAST wear a towel when you address a lady!

B-but, you-OW!- you were the one who walked in on me! (Time passes)

...I... I'm sorry, Chrom.

Are we done throwing things?

I think. ...I don't know what happened. Something just snapped and...

Well, no harm done. The gods' justice, perhaps, for my earlier blunder! Ha ha!

Well, anyway, thanks for being so good natured about it all. I feel terrible about that soap dish. How's your ear doing?

Better. It still stings a little, but better. In any case, look on the bright side: we've seen each other naked now, right? So I guess we've got nothing left to hide. In a way, we're closer than ever.

Not the most appropriate way for a man and woman to get to know each other...

But...I suppose as long as nobody else knows...

Ha ha! It's like we're partners in crime sharing an unsavory past! Anything that brings us closer will make us stronger on the battlefield. Just you wait.

Partners in crime? Heh heh. I like the thought of that.

Well, partner, your secret's safe with me...