The Let's Play Archive

Fire Emblem: Awakening

by Tae

Part 122: Lissa B

All right. The coast is clear.


Ack! B-brother! Hey there! How are... things... with the war?

Where are you going?

Oh, the weather's just SO lovely, so I thought I'd take a little stroll and-

It's raining.

IS IT? Oh, fiddle dee dee! It was sunny just a moment-

It's been raining for three days.


All right, fess up: Where do you keep running off to lately?

Me? Run off? Ha ha! You're crazy, Chrom. Stop being crazy.

Avatar has also been asking about you. ...About how you knew so much regarding the enemy's formation in that last battle. Please don't tell me you've been scouting all by yourself, Lissa.

...So it's be okay if I didn't tell you?

You fool! What would you have done if they'd caught you?!

I... I didn't... I don't know! I just knew I had to do something to help! It's my duty as princess to fight and-

And what?! To become a high-ranking hostage?! To be tortured for information?! And gods, are you REALLY still on about this princess stuff?!

You wouldn't understand! You don't know what it's like to be your and Emmeryn's little sister!

...Look. If you want a mission so badly, I'll give you one: Go ask everyone in camp how you can be a better princess.


It doesn't have to be today, but do it. ...And yes, that's an order.

Oh, for the... All right. Fine...