The Let's Play Archive

Fire Emblem: Awakening

by Tae

Part 137: Frederick B

You weren't your usual self in that last fight, Sully. If something is troubling you, I'm happy to hear it.

I can't figure out how the hell you beat me when we sparred! That's what's wrong!

Good heavens. That was days ago... Is there really any need to compete? We fight for the same cause.

Yeah, but it... I don't know. It was as if I KNEW you were going to beat me. I've never had that feeling with anyone else. ...Never.

When you first joined the Shepherds, I was the one who taught you. Perhaps that has something to do with it.

Ha! I remember... I came in thinking I could mop the floor with all of you. And I might have until you showed up! You didn't look like much back then, but you beat the crap out of me.

I wouldn't say I beat the... *ahem* Yes, well. I suppose it was a rite of passage of sorts.

I didn't sleep for days after that... I was just so damn angry.

Perhaps this is the cause of your current consternation. When master and student first fight, the student naturally stands no chance. The perception that one's teacher is unbeatable can be difficult to shake.

So I can't beat you now because you beat the crap out of me when I was 15?

It doesn't sound quite so honorable when you say it in that manner...