The Let's Play Archive

Fire Emblem: Awakening

by Tae

Part 141: Chrom A

Gnya! Yah!


*Huff, huff* Haaaa... I'm... impressed, Sully. ...Whew! There's more force behind your swings than ever. It's like trying to fend off a bear.

*Huff, huff* Har... Thanks, Chrom. That means something, coming from you. Your defense is rock solid. It's like sparring with a damn wall. Guess you haven't been slacking either.

I was always taught that the best shortcut is the one you never take. Nothing for it but to put in the hours.

Har! I remember that speech! Damn, that takes me back...

You remember playing bandit king? How we used to wallop each other with sticks?

How much things have changed... and how much they haven't, har! But yeah, we played rough back then. Boys and girls alike. Remember how we used to sneak out of town to climb trees in the woods? Those were some damn good times...

Yes, we've come a long way, Sully, and yet we're still evenly matched.

Damn straight! No way I'm letting some cheese-eating royal leave me in the dust. That's half the reason I train, you know? So you won't have the satisfaction.

Sully? I hope you never change. You're the only woman I can still do this with. You know that?

That's because the other women decided to become a bunch of damn LADIES. Aw hell. Some days I wonder if maybe I...

Oh no you don't. You're perfect, just as you are. I wouldn't change a thing at least. We can spar. We can speak as equals. It's one small part of my past that's unchanged, and... it anchors me.

...Are you messing with me?

Well, hell, Chrom. If it works for you, I won't go changing for anybody else.

Good. See that you don't. ...That's an order.

Pfft. Like I'd ever listen to you.