The Let's Play Archive

Fire Emblem: Awakening

by Tae

Part 146: Frederick B

He's gone, Virion.

I-is he, then? Phew! That's a relief. My apologies for the bother.

To think the poor fool would trudge all this way for a mere handful of coins.

One would need hands of freakish size indeed to cradle that much gold. Pray tell, how does a fellow even begin to create such a vast amount of debt?

My dear sir, there are a thousand ways...Preferably all accomplished at once.

I'll ask no more. Besides, there's another matter I'm more curious about.


Before he left, that man offered to finance our efforts here. ...I declined.

Mmm, yes. Probably for the best.

This doesn't strike you as odd? I just saw a man track down his debtor only to offer his companions additional coin. In what world is that not madness?

Seems perfectly logical to me. Should something untoward happen before I repay him, the debt dies with me.

It's well within his interests to ensure I survive this bloody mess.

You racked up a debt so large it ties his welfare to yours...? I've not the capacity to determine if such actions are genius or madness. You're cunning fit to shame a fox, Virion.

Ha ha! Oh, you flatter me, sir! ...But do go on.

Mark my words, fox! If your skulking about ever comes to be a burden on Chrom--

Yes, yes, you'll have my skin for a stole. I'm well aware. I happen to be fond of my skin, so I give my word no ill shall come from my deeds.

Keep your word and you'll keep your skin.