The Let's Play Archive

Fire Emblem: Awakening

by Tae

Part 169: Robin C

...How discomposing.

That looked like a pretty bad spill, Miriel. Are you hurt?

A minor contusion. Benign.

Everything you were carrying went flying. I see your herbs, some papers, a...What is this? A book? A journal?

Unhand that, madam!

Sorry! Sorry. I didn't realize it was so important.

Important? Hmm... ......


I suppose it does bear some import, yes. It's a lodestar, of sorts. One that points the way to the truth.

Wow. Who wrote it? A famous mage or something?

Not famous at all, no. The author was my mother.

Ah, that explains the rough binding. Er, no offense intended. STill, that's amazing. Was your mother a mage as well? or perhaps a scientist?

What is the impetus for your inquiry?

Impetus for mean, why do I ask? Er, I don't know....I'm curious? Wouldn't most people be?

An autonomic reaction to conversational stimulus. I see... ......

Um, did I say something strange?

Curious, perhaps. Meriting closer study, certainly. Spontaneous reactive curiousity. Fascinating. What what is the underlying mechanism?

...I really think you're reading too much into this.