The Let's Play Archive

Fire Emblem: Awakening

by Tae

Part 229: Miriel C

Say, Miriel? Do ya have a minute?


Er, Miriel?


Hey! Miriel!

Gwaugh?! What is it? Why are you shouting?

I tried getting' yer attention, but you was off in yer own world.

Yes. When I read, I often immerse myself in it to the exclusion of all else.

Seems like yer always readin', Miriel.

I strive to utilize my time efficaciously. What free time I have, I spend reading.

I reckon ya must'a studied a whole bunch by now, huh?

I cannot say whether the breadth of my scholarship constitutes "a bunch." But I have studied more than the average person, that much is incontrovertible.

In that case, I got a favor I wanna ask ya for... Miriel, will ya teach me?

Teach you what?

Er, I dunno. Math and science and all that kinda stuff, I guess.


If I learn my subjects now, I'll be able to help my village when the war's done. We got no school back home, so there ain't no one what knows about book learnin'.

I can instruct you in the basic theories of the usual courses. You may, however, find none of it to be immediate practical use.

Well, so long as I know the theory, I can always think up ways to use it.

Are you literate?

Ol' Goatkeep Gran knew her letters. She taught me how to read all right.

I cannot instruct you beyond the bounds of my own ken, but I will attempt the basics.

Well, much obliged then, Miriel!

Be forewarned-- I am not easy on my pupils.

I wouldn't want ya to be!