The Let's Play Archive

Fire Emblem: Awakening

by Tae

Part 239: Robin B

Hello, Lon'qu. Hey, where'd you get that nasty bruise on your chin?


Ah, right. Fig wound. Sorry about that. ...Gracious, it looks rather swollen.

I never imagined you'd continue your fruity assault while I slept!

But it was the only way I was ever going to hit you...

And how reckless of you to be sneaking into my tent at night. What if you'd been seen? Imagine what people would've thought!

Oh, it's all right. I know exactly when and where everyone sleeps. I made sure I wouldn't be spotted.

I honestly cannot tell sometimes if you are a genius or a complete dimwit.

Well, silly can be cuter than clever, don't you think?

I... have absolutely no idea what you mean by that.

...Er, yes. I think I was trying to be clever and disproved my own point...


Wait...did you just laugh?!


Yes you did! I distinctly heard you say "heh."

Never! You are incapable of provoking so much as a chuckle from me.

Oooooooh, THAT sounds like another challenge...


Right! The game's afoot! I shall make you laugh one more time, no matter what!

How do I get myself into these things...