The Let's Play Archive

Fire Emblem: Awakening

by Tae

Part 270: Vaike A

Er, Maribelle? Milady? Would ya mind givin' this to Chrom?

An apple? But I lost our bet...

Right, and that's why ya had to join me for a drink in a common alehouse. Our wager's settled. This is just me havin' a change of heart. Don't worry, it's fresh. I got it yesterday. Paid for it with honest coin and everything.

Then am I to assume you have renounced your gambling ways?

Well, I wouldn't go so far as to say that. Tomorrow's another day, eh?

Fair enough. Still, I must admit... it was quite interesting to dine with the masses. And I ended up with an apple as well... Perhaps by losing, I actually won out!

Heh, you really didn't mind slumming it down with us common filth, eh?

It was an absolutely fascinating experience! All the smallfolk are each so very different... I didn't even mind the smell, after a time.

Yeah, it didn't exactly go like I planned... I thought I'd teach you a lesson about how people take lookin' down your nose at 'em. But after ten minutes, you had 'em all charmed. They loved you like a sister! Maybe you ain't such a snob after all.

Perhaps not, tee hee. Oh but you simply MUST take me there again sometime. Do promise me, Vaike!

Uh... sure? I guess?

Splendid! It's a date. Now I must find Chrom and deliver his apple. (leaves)

...The Vaike ain't wrong often, but maybe this time... I could be? Maybe I misjudged that woman...