The Let's Play Archive

Fire Emblem: Awakening

by Tae

Part 284: Robin B


Still haven't written a reply to your parents, have you?

Yep. Stuck again. I can't think of the right words to say.

You could always just head back.

Head back where? Home?

Why not? Stop by for a quick visit. Spend some time with your family. I'm not saying to drop everything and go tomorrow, but once things settle down.

...No. I can't go back yet.

Why not?

I don't know how much you know about me, but I come from an old, respected house. And lately, my family home--and name--has fallen into serious disrepair. So this war is about more than saving the world, at least for me. It's about restoring my family name. And I can't go home until I've done it.

That's a lot to put on yourself, Ricken. Your parents are lucky to have you. Hard to imagine such a model son running around dismembering Risen and flinging--

Stop with the dismembering already! What kind of monster do you think I am?

Ha ha, I'm just teasing. Seriously, though, if you won't visit, you should write. Sparing your parents from worry is part of being a good son, after all.

Yeah, I know you're right... Okay, I'll keep it real basic.

"Dear Mom and Dad, I hope you're well."

"Today I saved the life of my beloved, and the field ran red with the blood of my foes!"

'Today I saved the..."

ARRRGH! Will you NOT do that?!

I'm helping.