The Let's Play Archive

Fire Emblem: Awakening

by Tae

Part 288: Lissa A

Heya, Ricken. Are you reading again? You're gonna go blind at this rate!

I've got a lot to learn if I hope to be of use to Chrom in the future.

But you're useful now!

I'm talking about the far future. I'm hoping to someday be his royal advisor. He's my hero, you know? I want to be close to him and be someone he can rely on.

Hee hee! Yeah, you want to be close, all right! When you first joined, you followed him around like a baby duckling! So what is it about my brother that draws you to him? And don't say his rugged good looks, or I'll slug you.

When I was young, the other kids used to terrorize me. One time, it got pretty bad... But Chrom jumped in and stopped it. I wasn't used to people being nice to me, so I figured there had to be a catch. Like maybe he was just showing off because he knew he could take the other kids?

MY brother? Showing off? Hah! No, he would have done the same thing no matter who was bullying you.

I found that out for myself when he saved me a second time. The kids chased me into the woods, but then a pack of wolves showed up. There must have been 20 of them... Chrom showed up just in time and ran them all off!

Whoa. Guess I can see why he's your hero.

That's not even the best part. He'd fought another wolf pack just to reach us! After the other pack ran off, he could barely stand. That reminder he was human, too, made everything else all the more impressive.

I remember wishing I were that brave. I still do, I guess...

I think you're plenty brave, Ricken. And I'm sure you'll be someone's hero someday!

Thanks, Lissa. But for now, the best way for me to get there is to hit the books!