The Let's Play Archive

Fire Emblem: Awakening

by Tae

Part 312: Ricken A

Say, Panne. I heard taguel can turn into all kinds of animals. So what else can you become besides a big bunny?


Hey, Panne? Did you hear me? I asked what other animal-

You just won't take stony silence for an answer, will you? I've met some taguel who become lions, and others who turned into wolves.

No way! That's great! I bet they were really strong!

A long time ago, my mother used to tell me the tale of a certain tribal leader... This was back when taguel ruled the world and lived in an earthly paradise. Before everything changed and our way of life was wiped out forever.

*Sniff, sniff* Waaaaaah!

Why are you crying?

I'm sorry. It's just... I feel so bad for you... You and the taguel lost so much! You'd have been so much better off if it wasn't for us humans.

I... I have never seen a man-spawn cry for our sake...

Tsk. Here, here. Wipe away the tears and cheer up.
