The Let's Play Archive

Fire Emblem: Awakening

by Tae

Part 318: Stahl A

Why are you hovering around me while I eat?

I'm trying to see what other kinds of food you like. You can't keep eating nothing but dumplings. You'll get scurvy!

Then sit down and join me! Do not hover like a jackal.

Oh, er, thank you! That's very kind! Hmm... What's this red thing?

Firefruit. Its juice can make human skin blister and itch for days on end.

*Munch, munch* Hey, that's pretty good! ...Wait what did you say about juice? Oh, gods. It's on my fingers! ...And in my EYES! Aaaiiieeeeee! (collapses) Urrrgh...

Hello? Stahl? Are you dead? ...Nod if you are not dead.

N-no. I'm fine. Just a... little light headed is all.

You cannot enjoy the meal properly when you're in such a state.

Er, Panne? Maybe I just fainted, but were you licking my face just now?

Yes. It is the way we taguel clean each other. Is that a problem?

Er, no! I mean, I'm glad you saved my eyesight and all, but... It's just a little odd to be licked by a beautiful woman.

I have no idea what you are talking about, strange man. Here, try this fruit instead. It should be safe for human skin.

Um, there are bite marks in this. Is that normal, or were you eating it?

Do you refuse to take it just because it's been in my mouth?

Gracious, no! N-not at all! Ha ha! Ha. Why should I care? So, er... here goes... *crunch, crunch*