The Let's Play Archive

Fire Emblem: Awakening

by Tae

Part 347: Maribelle B

Thanks for the help, Twinkles. You saved my bacon out there.

It's my job to heal stricken comrades. ...Even you.

Yeah, but I'm the guy who brought false charges against your father. No one would have said boo if you let me just bleed to death.

I needed you alive, unfortunately. There is something I must ask of you.

I'll answer if I can.

I was rereading transcripts of my father's trial, and something struck me as...strange. Tell me, and speak the truth: Where exactly did you first hear my father's name?

Well, er...

My father is a rich and powerful man, but rather unknown outside the nobility. Which begs the question...

Why did you choose to accuse him? How did you even know to do so? I can think of only one reason, but I would hear it from your lips... Did someone threaten you, Gaius? DId they force you to name my father?

They said... They said I had to do it or else they were going to...

Kill you?

No, Twinkles. Not me.

Then who? Who was threatened?

Look, it doesn't matter now. Bloke told me to name your father and I did. End of story.

And who was this scoundrel who had such a terrifying hold over you?

You're not going to let this go, are you? All right. I suppose I should start at the beginning...