The Let's Play Archive

Fire Emblem: Awakening

by Tae

Part 358: Kellam C

...Good. It seems that I have gone undetected.

Oh, hey, Cordelia. What are you doing?

K-Kellam?! How long have you been there? ...Gods, but it's impossible to do anything in secret with this guy hovering around.

Sorry, did you say something? I didn't mean to interrupt your training.

Ah, it's fine. Don't worry about it. It's my fault I got caught.

Practicing your stealth moves, eh? Are you planning some sort of covert op?

A good warrior should never neglect the chance to practice ALL her skills. You never know when they might come in handy.

Wow, Cordelia. You're so dedicated.

Yes, but when it comes to stealth, you have us all beat.

Yes, but I don't know if that counts. It's not like I practice or anything. People just seem to... overlook me.

Oh, come now. There must be SOMETHING special that you do!

Not really. I just kind of stand here and fade into the background. Anyway, I'd better be on my way. Good luck with your training. (leaves)

Kellam, wait! I wanted to talk more about-

How does he DO that?! You'd think that armor would be a big clanking giveaway...