The Let's Play Archive

Fire Emblem: Awakening

by Tae

Part 366: Sumia A

You've been looking strong and confident these past few days, Sumia.

It's all because of my flower fortunes. I told you they helped!

Yes, I suppose I'm going to have to just accept them. Still, I wish I understood why they held such sway over you.

Remember when you said I had to stop? Well, I did- for a bit, at least. But the whole time, I felt confused and... adrift.


Do you know how scary it is to go through life without knowing what'll happen next?

Er, actually, that's pretty much the human condition.

Not if you use fortunes!

You know fortunes are random, right? They have zero basis in fact.

You're missing the point! They don't have to be right!

They don't?

If the fortune is good, you work hard to keep things the same so it won't change. And if it's a bad fortune, then you work hard to change things so you can avoid it! Either way, you end up working to make the future how you want it.

That is... the most sensible nonsense I have ever heard.

The fortunes motivate me to keep doing my very best!

Hmm... I think I see now. I saw fortune-telling as a way to avoid taking responsibility for your future. But the way you use it is the exact opposite...

Exactly! The funny thing is, I never even realized it until you made me quit. So even if your advice was completely terrible, it was still useful in the end!

Er, you're welcome. ...I think. The important thing is that you have your confidence back.

As for me, I'll stick to making my own future.

Oh yeah? I've got another flower here... Wanna hear how that future will turn out?