The Let's Play Archive

Fire Emblem: Awakening

by Tae

Part 377: Virion B

Ah, Cordelia. I cannot help but notice that you seem troubled as of late...

Oh? I feel fine. Have you noticed a problem on the battlefield?

You fighting is impeccable as always! But your brow seems creased with worry... Our cares always find a way to rising to the surface, mmm? And your beautiful visage cannot help but mirror the turmoil in your heart.

Or you've been eavesdropping again.

Never! For sharp-eyed Virion, milady's anguish is writ large on her features.

Well, maybe there is something... But that is all I'll say. And keep that to yourself! I don't want anyone else knowing I am troubled.

And whyever not?

Because then they might start to pity me. And I hate pity! It makes me feel like I've... lost.

Lost? Ha! How very like milady to frame it in terms of competition.

But... dare I ask, why are you willing to let me know this?

Because you're flippant and fancy-free... You take everything in your stride. My blunt manner never seems to phase you in the least.

Ho ho! Say no more, milady... Virion has heard this speech before. A prelude to a confession of love! Milady, I am most gratefu-

It has nothing to do with love!

Aaaaah... Y-yes, then. Just so... *ahem*

In any case, perhaps sometime we might discuss the source of your troubles... Such a beautiful face is ill served by the sombre shadow that clouds it!

...Perhaps. Sometime. But no more of this "love" talk, understand?!