The Let's Play Archive

Fire Emblem: Awakening

by Tae

Part 384: Donny A

Welp, let's see... Beautiful, kind, strong, wise... Um, beautiful...

You said beautiful twice. Not to mention, you've listed all those other things before as well.

W-wait! I ain't done yet! Mmm... thinkn' hard... Mmmmmnnn... Ya got a huge nose!

...That's not a compliment.

It ain't?

Look, just admit that you've run out of good things to say about me. I'm still impressed you managed to keep it going for so long.

I'm starting to think perhaps I AM a little bit amazing!

I told ya that already! Loads's times! Fact is, the more I get to know ya, the more amazin' I think ya are.

Well, I've never been quite so flattered in my life, that's for sure. ...And as a little thank-you gift, I made you this.

What is it? A letter?

We've been spending a lot of time together, and I've grown to know you quite well. So I drew up my own list, for you.

Gosh! That's a lot of writtn'! ...Them's all my good points?

Oh, no. Those are your faults.

...Oh. Ain't quite what I was expectin', but... Hmmm... Yup. Okay, I see... Yikes, there's a second page... And a third?!

Flattery is well and good, but we must know our faults if we want to grow. So I made this list to help you, and I want you to do the same for me. Then I can fix my weaknesses and make myself a new pegasus knight of legend!

Well, if that's what ya want, I reckon I'll give it my best. But I've gotta warn ya, it ain't gonna be easy findn' fault with you!