The Let's Play Archive

Fire Emblem: Awakening

by Tae

Part 397: Vaike C


Hey! What's all the snifflin' about?

Oh, n-nothing...

Ha! You can't fool the Vaike! I'm a master of psych... Er, psik... Ya know. Mind Stuff!

I had a frightening dream.

A nightmare, eh? What about? Beasts? Ghouls? Snaggletooth witches?

I was all alone. Everyone had left me. Even Chrom and Robin.

Well, that's quite a dream! Chrom and Robin would never do that! Heck, no shepherd would do that!

But in one hundred years you will. You'll all be gone.

Oh. Well, I guess so, yeah.

Then I WILL be alone! Waaaaaaaaaaaaah!

Look, ya can't go weepin' over what might happen a hundred years from now! Ya gotta live in the present and have fun while ya still can.

That's easier said than done.

If you've got time to brood about the future centuries, you've got time to have fun. In fact, let's play a game right now! How about Headless Soldier?
