The Let's Play Archive

Fire Emblem: Awakening

by Tae

Part 409: Frederick C

Ah, Nowi.

Eeek! (flees)

Wh--?! No, wait!

(comes back) Yes? What is it?

Why did you attempt to flee, milady? Have I done something to anger you?

Last night, I had a nightmare about my basket of fruit being stolen...

Ah. Yes, I see how such a thing might be... Er, except I don't. Why did that make you want to run away?

Because YOU were the thief, and I didn't want to lose any more fruit!

This is unfortunate. I hate to think I wronged you- dream or otherwise.

Perhaps it would clear the air if I offered you my ration of fruit this evening? And I only ask one small thing in return.

For extra fruit, I'll do anything!

Well then, I was hoping we might spend more time together.

...Yeah, no. That's not worth fruit. Plus you're not really my type.

Milady! I did NOT mean it as a proposal! What a dishonorable idea!...I want you to show me your dragon might.

Huh? But why?

Opportunities to spar with a dragon are few and far between. To get even a taste of dragon combat would be a most valuable experience!

Won't you be all scared and stuff?

That is why I need your help. Fear of the unknown is the fear most dangerous.

I'm not sure about this...

...You'd have two rations of fruit?

Oh, right! I almost forgot! Okay, sure!