The Let's Play Archive

Fire Emblem: Awakening

by Tae

Part 425: Ricken B

Hey, Gregor! I've got another question!

Again, Gregor has sensitive ears. Screaming like wild beast is not needed. Now let Gregor guess- you want to know how Chrom did in fight today, yes?

Gregor expected more questions, so he watches Chrom with eye of hawk. Go on then, make with the asking.

Actually, I don't want to ask about Chrom. I want to ask about you!

Oy? Why this, now?

Because I was behind you when you were fighting in the thick of the action. You were totally amazing! I've never seen anyone fight like that before.

Oh ho! You must never pay attention to Gregor on battlefield before, yes?

Yeah, I figured you were too old to be interesting.

Ah, yes. Gregor is enjoying brutal honesty of small children...

Hey, I'm not a child, I'm a grown man! Anyway, in the last battle, I watched almost everything you did.

I mean, I didn't want to at first, but you were so quick and strong. I didn't think those moves were possible for such an old man.

Gregor will take compliment. Even if you are no wanting to look at "old man" in beginning.

Aw, come one, I didn't mean to say it quite like that.

Is okay. Gregor is having very thick skins. So, what about questions?

Oh, right. Okay, so first of all...