The Let's Play Archive

Fire Emblem: Awakening

by Tae

Part 435: Lon'Qu A


Lon'qu wants another duel, yes?

No. I came to apologize. I concede that you beat me fairly in our duel. You are right. I am both young and a fool. I need more battle experience. It's the only way I will gain the wisdom required to anticipate your sly moves.

Ho ho! Of course, and knowing is half of battle! You are needing those things, yes? But also you are needing to learn how to handle sword.

Are you implying-

Do not make Gregor repeat self. You need spend time with Gregor so he can be teaching sword skills.

I thought sellswords only fight for money.

Gregor say that once. But in recent days, he is starting to change thinking. Gregor is feeling loyalty to Shepherds, and wants to helping in all ways.

Then I demand you teach me everything you know!

You have angry passion of young man. But Gregor is liking that! You remind him of young Gregor when he was being very hotheaded! Let us make with the training, then Gregor whip you into shape!