The Let's Play Archive

Fire Emblem: Awakening

by Tae

Part 455: Miriel B

I have the results from our previous discussion.

Ah, yes. Your method to spread my teachings to a broader audience.

Precisely. A unified fundamental theory has emerged from my investigation.

First, the venue must be of sufficient capacity and easily accessed. Before speaking, the even must be made public knowledge among nearby villages. During the gathering itself, wind magic is to be employed to amplify your voice. Now then. For the next-

H-hold on just a moment, Miriel.

Is something amiss?

Your plan is to gather a large crowd and speak to all of them at once?

Quite. In so doing, you mitigate effort and time requirements by the greatest margin.

Yes, but I can't address individual people in such a system.

Nor ought you. Speaking the same words to followers one by one is hideously inefficient. Gathering them and addressing the lot in one fell stroke is a far superior plan.

Superior in time and effort spent, perhaps, but-

The plan will succeed. Further peer review is wholly unnecessary.

...Very well. If you're that certain, we should try it.

I will make manifest the eminence of my methodology!