The Let's Play Archive

Fire Emblem: Awakening

by Tae

Part 471: Tharja A

......I... I saw it. I saw everything. I know what lies in the dark depths of your heart.

Then you know my most secret of secrets... That my parents believed I was possessed by demons and abandoned me. And you know the terrible price this inflicted on my soul.

You were alone and loved by no one. An urchin, wretched and friendless. Until you found the faith and became a priest, your only memories are pain. ...I don't know how you manage to survive with such a burden.

Nor do I. But, strangely, now that you know of it, the burden has grown lighter. It's as if the very act of your witnessing my sorrows has blunted their power.

When hearts and minds come together, they sometimes change each other. It's like a spell of sorts--if one side is transformed, the other is, too.

Perhaps your magical hex has somehow dispelled my darkness.

Doubtful. I didn't cast anything of the sort. In any case, I can no longer use you as a test subject.

Why not?

Because I have nothing further to learn from you. Once you know someone's secret pain, curses become a bit too easy.

That is unfortunate. I'd hoped I could help you more.

Well, if you ever think of something else I might do, will you tell me?

Maybe you should just focus on being happy for a bit, you know? Now you can face life without all that pain dragging you down.

(Tharja leaves)

Yes... Hmm. Thank you, Tharja. I shall do just that!