The Let's Play Archive

Fire Emblem: Awakening

by Tae

Part 522: Robin A

...Phew! Finished at last!

We did it. I still find it hard to believe, but we actually did it.

What do you think? Do you like it?

It''s even more beautiful than I imagined! *sniff*

Good! It's nice to know all that work wasn't in vain.

...There's just that one teeeeeeny-tiny issue with the size.


It's going to be difficult to dance in a theater that fits in the palm of my hand. ...Not that I'm complaining or anything.

Yes, but the perfect venue for a flea circus!

I don't want a flea circus!

Heh, I know. In any case, as small as it is, it's still a theater that WE built. Now that we know how it's done, it should be a simple matter to scale everything up.

You think so?

Absolutely! Always have a plan, I say.

Well, if you think so, then I believe it! Besides, working with you is so much fun, it hardly feels like work at all. So, only...what? A few more decades? And we'll build a fabulous, human-size theater!

...Hmm. You sure it wouldn't just be easier to save up my money?

Now, now! You promised to to talk about that again, remember?

Oh, right. Sorry.

Well, I have a new, special dance I made to celebrate our new performance space!

Would you... Um, would you like to see it? I mean, if you're busy, that's fine...

I can always make the time to watch one of your dances!

Hee hee! Okay. I might be a bit rusty, but I'll do my best. I've been saving this for when the new theater was ready...

Ah, this IS fun, isn't it? The only thing better than having a dream, is making it come true with a friend!

Thanks, Robin. I couldn't do it without you.