The Let's Play Archive

Fire Emblem: Awakening

by Tae

Part 556: Vaike C



What's wrong there, Olivia? Whatcha cryin' about?

The scent on the wind...

*Sniff*...Huh? Wind smells fine to me! What's wrong with it?

It's the fragrance of change-of the passing of the seasons. I cannot help but weep.

It's the what now?

Oh, no! Did I say that out loud?! Oh, I'm so EMBARASSED! D-don't look at me!

Er, yeah. I'm gettin' increasingly confused by this conversation.

Why do these kinds of things ALWAYS happen to me?!

You mean sniffin' the air and breakin' into uncontrollable sobs?

Stars on a cloudless night... A single strawberry on a plate... A flock of birds soaring across the blue skies... Such beauty strikes my heart and overcomes me with emotion!

Just sounds like yer cryin' over a buncha weird stuff, if ya ask me. But hey, we've all got our problems, right?

Yes... I suppose so.

Er, so these mooning fits of yours don't happen on the battlefield, right?

Oh, no! In combat, I remain totally focused at all times.

See then? Ya got nothin' to worry about! Still, ya might wanna avoid sniffin' the air with other folks around. People might think you're weird.

Er, yes. I'll try to keep that in mind. I'm sorry for putting you to trouble.

You ain't gotta apologize to ol' Teach! Just keep yer chin up, all right?

Oh, yes. Of course. I'm sorry I'm not more cheer-

Ogre's teeth, lady! Stop apologizin'!
