The Let's Play Archive

Fire Emblem: Awakening

by Tae

Part 579: Donny A

Cherche, I've done yer laundry and finished yer mendin'!

Thank you, Donny. Also, it's feeding time for Minerva. Would you mind seeing to her?


(Time passes)

...Hey there, girl! How ya doin'? Gosh, look at all'a them teeth. You sure are a fierce one! I can't believe you really let a little nine-year-old put a whuppin' on you...

(Minerva roars)

Oh, gotcha. You're busy eatin'. I'll leave ya to it.

Heh. You two are getting along famously now.

I made sure to do just how you did, and she cozied right on up to me. Not to mention I've learned cookin', and cleanin', and how to use a needle!

But you'd rather know how I defeated the wyvern than learn household chores, right?

See, I been thinkin' about that. You don't treat her anythin' like a regular ol' horse. I reckon you two are more like old friends than master and servant. I sure do envy it. I was never that friendly with my mule back on the farm. Don't s'pose you'd tell me how ya managed to earn her trust?

Through the same bonds of friendship that made you part of our little group. Don't you notice how close you've become to Minerva? ...And to me?

Aw, shucks. But yer so pretty and kind, and I'm just a big lug from the sticks. ...Ya really think we're becomin' friends?

Oh, I know we are.

Gosh, how excitin'! Donnel Tinhead, friends with the famous wyvern subduer!

And the wyvern, too.