The Let's Play Archive

Fire Emblem: Awakening

by Tae

Part 581: Kellam B

Um, Cherche? I brought my trousers.

Oh, look. It's the boy in the adorable armor!

That's not what people call me, is it?

No, but in my opinion, it's the perfect name for you.

Oh. Well, um, thanks, I guess. Anyway, I brought my trousers.

Let me see... Oh, that's nothing. I'll have it fixed in a jiffy.

Thanks so much. Sorry again to ask you to do it.

I don't mind at all. Oh, but while I'm at it, why don't I spruce up your armor, too?

Spruce it up?

Sure! A couple changes here and there would make it look really convincing! Say a few steel spikes on the shoulders? You'd look just like a real barbarian.

Land sakes, no!

Not even if they're long and pointy?

Especially if they're long and pointy!