The Let's Play Archive

Fire Emblem: Awakening

by Tae

Part 586: Lon'qu C

Say, Lon'qu?


This might be a strange question, but... Did you grow up in the slums? Living in the streets?

I have no idea what you're talking about.

Oh. Then it must be a different Lon'qu.

Must have been.

But you did know a young girl called Ke'ri, didn't you?

Where did you hear that name?

Ah ha! It was you that they told me about!

Who is they? What is the meaning of all this?!

I met Ke'ri's parents. A while back, when I was in Regna Ferox with Minerva. I saved them from a pack of bandits outside the town. They told me that their daughter had been killed by the very same outlaws. Later I heard a young boy named Lon'qu was with her at the time. ...And that he fought like a demon in a vain attempt to protect her.

Naturally, when I was introduced to you, I started thinking-

I fought, yes. But in the end, it was she who died protecting me. Her mother and father hated me. They blamed me for her death. I was a homeless boy from the slums, and I stole their only daughter.

Actually, about that-

Enough. I cannot bear to speak of it.

I would like to be alone now. (leaves)

Wait, Lon'qu!

There's more to the tale than you know...