The Let's Play Archive

Fire Emblem: Awakening

by Tae

Part 607: Ricken C

Hi, Henry! Thanks so much for coming to my rescue the other day.

Sure! It's what I do.

Having a mighty mage like you in our ranks makes me feel a lot safer. Good thing you aren't fighting for the other side.

Well, I used to work for Gangrel, so if you hadn't defeated him, who knows? You and I might have been squaring up on the ol' battlefield. Nya ha ha!

I didn't know you were with the Plegian army!

Oh? I thought word had gotten around. Yeah, Gangrel was toppled before I got the chance to fight any real battles. A shame, too. It would've been fun to face off against the Shepherds!

But we're the good guys...

Oh, Chrom and Frederick are nice soldiers and all, but I wager I could take them both!

H-Henry! That's treason!

Is not.

W-well even if it isn't, people might get the wrong idea. They'll start thinking you ARE the enemy and then we'll end up fighting for real.

Neat! We could see whose magic is stronger.

HENRY! You're my ally! I don't want to fight you. Besides, if we were mortal foes, we wouldn't be able to talk like this.

Weeell, I guess it's kinda fun being on the same side as you...

All right, I guess I'll stick with the Shepherds -for now, at least.

I should hope so!