The Let's Play Archive

Fire Emblem: Awakening

by Tae

Part 609: Ricken A

Henry, can I ask you a question?

Judging by your expression, I'd say it's a serious one. Nya ha ha.

Er... Do you remember when we talked about the Plegian soldiers we've killed? And how some of them used to be your comrades and friends? Don't you... resent us?

Resent you? Shucks no. What good would that do?

Um, none, I suppose. It wouldn't be good for anyone, you included.

Exactly! So I decided not to.

But how can you just brush it off like that? If I were cut down in battle tomorrow, would you just shrug and carry on?

No! I'd be very sad and angry. And I'd find out who did it, hunt them down, ans exact bloody revenge! ...Oh, yes. There would be blood.

But you just said you don't resent us and there's no point in holding grudges.

Oh, yeah. I DID say that! I wonder what the difference is...

Er, are you asking me?

When I was with Plegia, I didn't think much about this kind of thing. Maybe because in that army, I didn't have real friends like I do here.

Do you think of me as a friend?

I guess, sure. Honestly, I'm not much good with this touchy-feely stuff. You know what I'd rather talk about? The next battle!

I suppose it wouldn't be bad to plan a little strategy. In the end, victory is the only thing that can justify all this death...