The Let's Play Archive

Fire Emblem: Awakening

by Tae

Part 619: Sumia C

Oh no, oh no... What do I do now?

Hey-o, Sumia! What's shaking? I heard some almighty smash over here!

I was carrying this huge stack of bowls, and I tripped on... well, something, and-

Nya ha ha! Look at all the smashed crockery! That's hilarious!

Ugh! What am I going to do? How is everyone going to eat?! I can't just pour the soup in a trough and make them share! Or maybe I could...?

Hey, no need for the soup buffet. I can fix the bowls.

Really? But how?

I'm a mage! I just wave my wand and mutter a little incantation... Humina humina humina... Presto! The busted bowls are busted no more!

Holy snap! That's amazing!

Yeah, it's just a temporary hex, unfortunately. Tomorrow they'll be in pieces again. But at least folks won't have to eat out of their hats tonight.

N-no, that's fine! This gives me time to buy new ones tomorrow. It's funny, I used to think magic was all scary and weird, but I guess not.

Oh, that spell can certainly be used for evil. All it does is reverse time. See, so if something bad happens to someone and you cast it on them... They have to experience that same tragedy over and over again! Nya ha!

Oh, that sounds horrible!

I know, right? It is! Nya ha ha!