The Let's Play Archive

Fire Emblem: Awakening

by Tae

Part 624: Miriel A

*Sigh* Aw, dang it. Failed again! This is harder than I thought.

You seem vexed, Henry. Is something amiss?

Well, you know that town we passed through a few days ago?I saw a pregnant lady on the main street with a load of cheese and fruit in her arms. She looked pretty tired and worn out, so I stopped to help her carry her wares.

I am told perturiency can indeed be a most trying experience.

Right?! Anyway, the more I thought about it, the more I realized pregnancy is dumb. So I'm planning to help the mothers of the world by inventing a special curse. I'm gonna create a hex that conjures new kids right out of thin air!


So if the curse is going to work, I need a ritual that can generate new life force. But I can't find even one. Who knew it would be so hard, when killing is so easy?

The process of creating life is imbued with mystery and wonder. Many wise sages have tried to fathom the secret without success.

Gosh. If you and the old wise men don't know how it's done, what hope do I have?

I would say the odds are remote indeed. Still, with so much as yet unknown, it may prove an intriguing field of study.

Say, if you're as curious as me, why don't we study it together?

A most meritorious suggestion.